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Old 06-07-2004, 01:47 PM   #10
A Gray Wolf
Join Date: Aug 2003
Server: The Rathe
Posts: 5

i heard that God was designed for lvl 70 Toons and it was an accident that god didnt include the lvl 70 ubgrade, i just think it souns suspicious, how long before god came out were thay advertising. how long were the players in beta testing it, and now how long until OoW comes out and we have already been told it will be lvl 70. so how long would that have given tham to realise the mistake. some one had to have noticed.....unless it wasnt meant to be.
this is from Juwel an enchanter that went.
Also it was interesting to hear Smedley say what really went wrong with GOD. Number one, beta was kept small in order to try to keep the information leeks to a minimum. Yes, they knew there were some issues with collision etc. However, they absoultely underestimated just how bad it was and how badly it would effect everyone. On top of that originally GOD was intended to include the level increase to 70. It wasn't until after it was released that they realized. OMG... this was built around 70's! Hence the extreme difficulty. It was refreshing to see responsiblity being taken. Developers are working full time doing nothing else except getting this fixed. I recognized them immediately as they appeared have pull their hair out (JK!)

it seems like SoE is trying other than that but I still Feel like most of what thay are doing is for Bigger guilds than what im in. I feel left out of all the stufff thay do cause my guild raids are 3 groups of people and rarely 4 groups with an average lvl of 60 or less. I dont want to join an uber guild I like my friendly familytype guild the people are totaly awsome, and i hear to many bad things about bigger guilds.
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