Target Window Patch'ed for 02/11/09
Click on the link below to download the patch.
Target Window - Patched
Zeremus: Breathe SOD
Full Credit goes to Zeremus Honorfyre, Ayonae Ro Server for making the Original UI and also to Kelldor Taroch for the previous updates.
I have updated the UI to the latest expansion (
Seeds of Destruction)
EQUI.xml - Updated to accept Zeremus's code file (EQUI_ZWNitrain.xml)
EQUI_ZWNitrain.xml - Zeremus's Code
EQUI_Inventory.xml - Added the Alt. Currency tab and a slot for the powersource.
Spell Bars
EQUI_CastSpellWnd.xml - Updated to accept different graphics (Original Code written by Drakah)
drakah_castspellwin.tga - Drakah's spellbar used (File is also included in the options folder)
aanaddor_castspellwin.tga - Aanaddor's artwork created from using the drakah's as a template (This graphic is included in the options folder)
(*End Edit*)
EQUI_PlayerWindow.xml - Modified to a compact window and to show the current combat status with rest timer.
EQUI_TargetWindow.xml - Modified to include Target of Target's Target and spell casting information. Also shows the target's buffs.
EQUI_TargetOfTargetWindow.xml - Modified to hide this window (Not needed - Its shown on the Target window)
EQUI_SpellDisplay.xml - Modified to work properly with the UI.
EQUI_SelectorWnd.xml - Modified from the original state to a more compact window.
EQUI_SkillsWindow.xml - Modified to work properly with the UI.
EQUI_GroupWindow.xml - Added my group window to this UI (Zeremus's group window included in options - (** Not Updated **))
EQUI_EQMainWnd.xml - Modified to give a more round effect
EQUI_BankWnd.xml & EQUI_BigBankWnd.xml - Added these 2 files that I use on my original UI. (Sorry, cant remember the original author's name)
EQUI_ItemDisplay.xml - Modified to work properly with the UI.
EQUI_PotionBeltWnd.xml - Modified this file to make it smaller.
EQUI_Templates.xml - Updated to work with Seeds of Destruction
** NOTE **
I have included 3 different Spell bars // 2 different Hotbuttons and the original group window by Zeremus (Not updated)
If you have an older version of this interface, please rename that folder so that it will not clash with this updated version.
To install this UI, simply unzip the file into your uifolder (ie: /program files/sony/everquest/uifolders) and the program will automaticaly create a folder called ZWBreatheAA.
I think I got everything, but if you do find some errors, like misshapen windows, etc... let me know and I will try to correct them.
Once again, ALL the original works from the artworks, codes, etc... goes to the respective authors. I just updated this UI and made some modifications.
I hope you enjoy this version.
Aanaddor - Cleric (Tunare Server)