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Category: Patches & AddonsEVO III Add 45th-50th bag slots, add Persona
This file is a Patch for EVO III by Kelso. You must have that installed before this Patch will work.

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Name: EVO III Add 45th-50th bag slots, add Persona   Popular!
Date: 06-07-2024 04:20 PM
Size: 74.91 Kb
Version: 5

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Size: 771.86 Kb
Dimensions: 1195 x 669
Add 45-50th bag slots, remove shared bag slots, move Shared Bags
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Size: 91.21 Kb
Dimensions: 634 x 319
Add Persona tab to Inventory
Added Persona Tab to Inventory window, slots arranged as per character Inventory. Also added 11th & 12th Inventory slots for Perk users (untested).

Fixed all bag slots to 50 slots. Shared Bags increased in size and moved to right of Inventory bag slots. Removed Shared bag slots from visibility due to concurrent icon limit meaning you could only see 20 slots from you inventory bags! - If you really want the Shared bag slots use EQUI_BigBankWnd_TooManyIcons.xml but don't say I didn't warn you!)

Added Tradeskill Depot button to Big Bank. Fixed all bags to have 44 slots (normal and shared). Fixed a couple of incorrect icon/slot references re:Screedcom's comment.

Fixed Target's Buffs to show again & now scrollable with mouse wheel to see more than the first 42.

Additionally changed layout of Currency tab, and added two missing loot slots to fix some uierrors.txt messages.

Added the 5th & 6th (4 and 5 in the xml) shared bank slots, above the other 4.

Added Dragon's Hoard button.

Also fixed Currency tab in inventory, so that it actually shows the quantity of each currency.

Note: This bank window is significantly taller and wider than the original in EVO III, as I needed to extend the overall height of the bank window or 44 slot bags would overlap the new shared slots.

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Old 02-18-2022, 06:32 PM  
A Bat
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Thank you for the update, much appreciated, still my favorite UI! Only 5/6 Shared Bank slots appear to function, but 1 more than before.
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