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Desideratus 09-22-2005 02:23 AM

Originally Posted by soran
I thought of something else.

Now that the EQMain Button replaces the selector window. There is no button/icon we can put on screen that glows or changes color when we have ingame mail. Ask them if they would make the old Selector window buttons useable in the EQMain window. So I can put the email button back on the screen in an interface.


Alt-W still brings up the old selector window (unless you remapped it, in which case Toggle selector window is still one of the options on the options menu ... might be worth remapping it for a few minutes so you can find out what the eqclient.ini line for that would look like if they take the option away at any stage ...), so you can now build any kind of always-on window you want using selector buttons and any EQTyped info you desire ...

Desideratus 09-22-2005 02:25 AM

Speaking of merchant windows - move the buy button one cm left. Re-add a functional "done" button. I don't WANT to be forced to have title bars on my windows ...

Darkmatil 09-22-2005 02:44 AM

Done button on merchant window. Also, if you organize the merchant window by quantity (i always want to see unlimited quantity items on top) it never saves it.

And yeah, UI editor would be nice but if devs doesnt even use one themselves i guess it's probably not happenin.

Grumbuk 09-22-2005 10:13 AM

I'd be real interested to see a list of things we can do to the code that would help you folks make & use your UI's more easily. For instance, I've never heard that UIErrors.txt is dumped when the client shuts down (although a quick check of the code seems to show this isn't the case, btw) and as you can imagine that sort of thing is easy to change.

To be clear, I'm referring to things that are purely UI related - no game stuff like 8 man groups which require a lot more people to be involved, and definitely no new game features for the game in general - there are plenty of threads on EQLive about how to make the game itself better, what I am hoping to get from this is strictly "how can we make the existing EQ UI better and easier to use". It's been a hot topic around here lately, so now is a good time to ask you folks for more input. Probably what one of you is coming to the summit, too (who goes to a summit is not something I am a part of).

If there's a good list of fast & easy to implement features that would help people use custom UIs more easily, I can make sure at least the right people get to consider them for the game.


Angahran 09-22-2005 10:31 AM

I have 2 ideas, not sure if they are possible or not.

1st idea: First we saw saveable spell sets, now we have saveable hotkey sets.... is it possible to have saveable container sets ? by which I mean saveing the location of all bags (8 from inventory, 16 from bank plus the 2 shared)

It would be handy on my trader to be able to get everything opened and positioned nicely and not have to redo it because I moved a bag on a different character.

2nd idea: this is the one I'm not sure will be possible... Can we get a snap-to-grid option for moving windows around (with defineable grid size would be nice) ?

and now the really big wish ....

WYSIWYG UI Editor !!!! I find it hard to believe the devs don't have this and have been manually editing and /loadskinning all these years to edit the UI.



Darkmatil 09-22-2005 12:33 PM

Nothing really major here, but just stuff I thought of off the top of my head.

Is there a way to change the spell icon size for use in hotbutton windows? If not, that would be something I would like to see added. If I make hotbuttons smaller, I cannot make the icon smaller to fit with that, just the spell oval itself.

Also, for the buff window, can you implement the option to put the effect timer within the buff itself and not only when you put your mouse over the buff? That way the timers can be seen constantly. Not sure if this is something that can be done easily though.

Kavrvnwlf 09-22-2005 02:23 PM

thought of something else, we now have a hotkey/key stroke option for opening and closing our bags in our inventory.... it is a wonderfull option.... would it be possable to have the same option added for when we are at the bank. I play on the FV server and only get on bank so I spend alot of time about once a month or sometimes more cleaning out my bankk.... open all bags take a lot of tedious time. A hotkey/key stroke would be a great addition.

bleedingedge40 09-22-2005 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by Grumbuk
I'd be real interested to see a list of things we can do to the code that would help you folks make & use your UI's more easily.

OK, Here is a trivial change that would go a long way (IMO anyway) towards making UI's more patch resistant. Create a separate animations xml file intended purely for use by custom UI's. This would allow UI developers to get all of their textures out of the standard EQUI_Animations.xml file. For example you could make a EQUI_Cst_Animations.xml file, include it right after EQUI_Animations.xml and have the default UI versionn of the file guarenteed to be blank. Custom UI's could then mod this file instead of EQUI_Animations.xml, so as this file changes UI end users dont' have to patch the changes in by hand to get the UI working.

Vaanoor 09-22-2005 04:53 PM

We have UI elements for buff decals and buff names display -- since the data has to be flowing to the client (alt key shows it), how about elements for buff timer display? Not really needed, but would be handy for those of us who like to have everything displayed on the screen without hitting extra keys.

kosakara 09-22-2005 05:32 PM

My 2 cents, please donate the change to a newbie
Everyone here has made good points about changes/wishes for UI modifications, adding my wish for a WYSIWYG UI Editor. I know nothing about xml other than it is the bane of my existence after a patch. I love doing graphic art but have no idea how to make it into a useable interface. ((I know I know... stop being lazy and learn xml. :D ))

So I would hope that someone will bring up the long promised additional character faces/hairstyles.

I've also long heard it muttered by the old world players about how awesome the different armors used to look during the time between Velious' release and Luclin, not just 3 types of looks (leather, chain, plate). Example: I believe Tizmak did not look like regular leather. The new zones are definitely good surroundings but I personally would like to see that kind of graphics potential turned on the player characters.

Kinada 09-22-2005 05:33 PM

How about making the window pieces universal. I've heard people mention that there are a number of UI elements that do not work unless they are within a certain window piece. I've seen a number of UIs that would benefit from being able to create new windows for the Evolving Items and Monster Alts tabs instead of having them in the inventory window.

Neither of my UI do too much out of the ordinary but I think alot of people would love to be able to create some more unique original windows.

Also, Buff Timers. You know the ones that you get if you hold the Alt key down and/or mouse over the buff windows. I'd like to have the ability to alter where these display (some of the short buff ones have gone rogue on me and are odd places now) and I'd like the ability to set these up to be displayed 100% of the time in a format of my choosing. There are a number of debuffs and some buffs where time is a factor and it helps when you can keep an eye on it. All the DT debuffs and things like Gift of Mana if you cant cast right away.

druegar 09-22-2005 05:58 PM

Please either add or publish the EQType code for all interface pieces.

rangerlicious 09-22-2005 07:46 PM

Bandolier brought convenience to weapon-swapping. I thought maybe it might be possible to use the bandolier to swap armor pieces, too. I have several items that I use just for the right-click effects. Also, increasing the number of presets would be nice also.

Another thing. I am not sure if this would fall into the UI-related category or not. I was wondering if it would be possible to introduce some sort of filter system for each chat channels based on keywords. Having different chat channels such as /ooc and /auction does not necessarily make people use them for their intended purposes. I am constantly spammed if I leave the /ooc channel open in zones like Plane of Knowledge or Bazaar. The sellers know that people keep their /auction channel closed. So they just spam the /ooc channel with their sale pitches.

For example: If I could filter messages containing words such as WTS-in any variation-or messages that contain item links from my /ooc channel, I would not have to be spammed with someone's sale messages just because I want to keep the /ooc channel open.

danny91643 09-22-2005 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by Grumbuk
I'd be real interested to see a list of things we can do to the code that would help you folks make & use your UI's more easily. For instance, I've never heard that UIErrors.txt is dumped when the client shuts down (although a quick check of the code seems to show this isn't the case, btw) and as you can imagine that sort of thing is easy to change.

To be clear, I'm referring to things that are purely UI related - no game stuff like 8 man groups which require a lot more people to be involved, and definitely no new game features for the game in general - there are plenty of threads on EQLive about how to make the game itself better, what I am hoping to get from this is strictly "how can we make the existing EQ UI better and easier to use". It's been a hot topic around here lately, so now is a good time to ask you folks for more input. Probably what one of you is coming to the summit, too (who goes to a summit is not something I am a part of).

If there's a good list of fast & easy to implement features that would help people use custom UIs more easily, I can make sure at least the right people get to consider them for the game.



Try this link to see that it was posted in EQ Forums, about the UIError dump.

GreenDragon 09-23-2005 12:56 AM

Well in case you don't read any of the other forums. Everyone that is asking for a WYSIWYG editor look now further, http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/s...ead.php?t=16897. I'm making one taht will be patch resistant, so when SOE introduces new code you can still use my editor. One change I would love to see is instead of making each atrribute aka <cx><cy> why not make them attributes like EQ2 aka <window cx=* cy=*> this way each piece is only one line. They might get length, but they will be move easily read/viewed, will speed up game load time because of less parse and calling routines, and make each file smaller.

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