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Ellyana 08-23-2003 09:30 PM

neither Enok or Elezibeth have posted in over a month.


Taleisin 08-23-2003 09:35 PM

this UI looks amazing, any idea what happened? if they stoped work, or it is about to launch?

Haliken 08-23-2003 10:12 PM


I guess it's done. Elezibeth, I'm sorta waiting on you for the final call and whatnot. The patch tuesday won't break this UI, but it may cause the XML Files Not Compatible message to show so I'm gonna wait 'til then in case I have to update the hotkey window (just so the message won't spam your chat box every time you zone).

No bugs or anything anyone?


Alaros 08-24-2003 02:04 AM

No bugs yet but when LDON goes live there will be. Part of the adventure system uses your compass and with this skin, that feature doen't work. Don't want to say more because of NDA and all but think it's ok to give a heads up.

Kunis Marfury 08-26-2003 08:26 AM

i guess we'll have to go buy some coffins in neriak now :(

Please ! Liz ! answer !

Kunis Marfury 08-28-2003 07:04 AM

ELEZIBETH ! are you still with us ?

i'm getting worried for her :/

Elezibeth 08-29-2003 11:06 AM

Long time no talk everyone. :P

Had a few major problems that I'll give you detailed here and then a progress report.

First off...my grandfather died. :( I flew half way across the country back to my grandmother to help her get things in order, this was supposed to take a week but it turned out to be more. I ended up helping her have an auction to get rid of all the extra crap in her house and also have now helped her setup to get moved out by me.

The bad thing that happened is that my Powerbook's modem connector up and died on me one day into my trip, didn't have the time to take it into a service center but so it left me without Internet.

Upon returning home I found out that my cat had managed to knock my iMac off my desk and that completely destroied the screen and arm so I ended up sending THAT in also to have it repaired.

During that time my G5 showed up and thats what I'm writing on now. I also picked up my iMac from the service center so I have my data again.

Needless to say I didn't forget about you guys and I'll be back to working as soon as work permits! :)

Good to be back guys!

Elezibeth 08-29-2003 11:09 AM

A quick PS...

I'm going to package in the Spell Icons and Character Images that are in the readme and get it uploaded hopefully tonight or tomorrow as final version 1.0. :)

Taleisin 08-29-2003 11:33 AM


from one G5 user to another :P

and welcome back :-)

Kunis Marfury 08-29-2003 03:31 PM

welcome back :)

Elezibeth 08-30-2003 03:01 PM

This UI has now reached Version 1.0 (final) and is posted at the following location :


A new thread will be created in released to cover this version of the UI!

Orpington2019 08-30-2003 11:35 PM

can't click on widows...
As of a recent patch I am seem to be unable to right click on chat windows to bring up the menu...any ideas?



Elezibeth 08-31-2003 10:56 AM

Re: can't click on widows...
Originally posted by Orpington2019
As of a recent patch I am seem to be unable to right click on chat windows to bring up the menu...any ideas?



Just wanted to route you to the new thread for the future...


Aside from that, you may wish to try clicking higher near where the top title bar is, that is where I normally click and still am able to after this last patch. :)

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