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UsuRpeR 02-06-2003 10:13 PM

At least for those of us who had certain parts of our UI go offscreen and were unable to move them afterwards, Follow Aideens information to get them back, it worked: "Reload the skin a few dozen times... it'll appear on the right side of the screen eventually"

Once I finally got my spell effects window and hotbuttons window back on screen, placing them within my screen view and off the edges completely kept them there. I tested it several times and they now stay put.

Granted they are not where I or many of you probably want them, but I can live with it until this crap is fixed.

Azerinn 02-06-2003 10:27 PM

How do you fix the guage offset problem? >_<

Yeroc2 02-06-2003 10:30 PM

anyone got a way to let you keep windows off screen? i keep like half my buff box off the screen because i dont need the long long strips (i even cut off the names of some long spells) /viewport didnt help at all, window still resets :(

ShadowcatK 02-06-2003 10:45 PM

lol VI just released notices in game 2 hours ago to those useing custom UI users in regards to the "moving box" syndrom.

'yada yada yada "please use default UI and this will fix your problem" aka standard responce to problems they create for those of us using custom UIs.

they know its a problem and either not going to bother with it cause its a 'custom ui problem' or they are 'looking into it at this time.

i swear they do this on purpose to disgourage custome ui use :-"P

Remelio 02-06-2003 10:51 PM

I have an idea on how to fix the gauge offset problem.. if it works I'll post it up here, since they obviously don't care enough to revert the changes they made to goof up the UI.

Cross your fingers for me :)

Fyste 02-06-2003 11:01 PM

*crosses fingers and toes*

Good luck, it's driving me nuts!

Remelio 02-07-2003 12:00 AM

Fix Here!

JarynVZ 02-07-2003 01:00 AM

SOE admits the problem here and claims it will be fixed with an upcoming patch.

Bjarcs 02-07-2003 02:52 AM

Im using Sars with a bag mod.

I lose the buffs and effects bar I have located down the left side of the screen. Quickest way I've found to get it back so far, is to go to a lower res untill the bar appears. I accept that res , then use alt-b to close the bar. I go back to my original res,accept that res, then use alt-b to bring the bar back up.

Worked for me, when reloading skin or zoning, or dragging buff bar into middle of the screen didn't work.

I still lose it everytime I zone.


Auldawyn 02-07-2003 04:33 AM

same problem here...quite annoying...wanna strangle somone right now...Plus that darn HP guage in my player widnow seems to have shifted to where half of the bar is not visible...

/smack Sony

All_Wrong 02-07-2003 09:13 AM

Same problem. And what do the GMs send out as a system-wide message? Reset to the default UI.


Now, SOE needs to make up their minds. Either they DO support custom UIs or they DO NOT support custom UIs. They do a patch, the UI gets bugged, they tell you to switch to default to make the problem go away. This is NOT acceptable. They allow for custom UIs, hell they even changed things around to make it EASY to have custom UIs, but then don't want to hear it when they screw them up.

Possibly if they would make a default UI that was half worth looking at, things wouldn't be so bad.


Vexo 02-07-2003 09:18 AM

GMs? Oh... you mean those dudes who come online once in a (longer and longer) while, to advertise their products or tell us they messed something up? :rolleyes: Yeah... well, you get the feeling that patches are made just to give them more work, so they won't get a pay-cut or staff-cut:) They sure dun seem all that useful:(

Lurker99 02-07-2003 09:29 AM

Has anybody tried locking the windows in place?.... I haven't had a chance to log back on yet... but it sounds like it may work?

sc2kmayor 02-07-2003 11:03 AM

Unlocking/locking to no avail...still near perfect push to some other place when zoning.

Chronwaas 02-07-2003 11:20 AM

Ok as far as the windows moving around on zone and startup. Here are two threads that cover the issue in as much detail as we have so far. The problem is going to require a good bit of reworking.



Check out there and you will have a better handle on the issues involved.

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