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soran 09-26-2005 10:13 PM

2 more thoughts..

1. HotButtons... people have been asking for ways to somehow hotbutton their clicky items.. Like clerics who when they rez have to, swap to click stick,s end tell to target announce rez in raid chat.. and click item... finally swap back to primary.. That takes 3 or 4 different hotbuttons.

Commands like /activate primary, /activate secondary etc.. would be great for hotbuttons.

Then a cleric can set up a rez button like this

/bandolier Activate Rezzing (Swap to click stick)
/tt Rez Incomming (Tell So and So Rez)
/rsay Rezzing %t (Announce ot raid)
/activate primary (click rez )
/pause 20 (pause while casting)
/bandolier Activate Primary (swap back to primary)

2. Above would require 6 lines... which brings me to something else.
A way to stack more commands on a hotbutton. Be nice to have a way to have 2 commands per line.. or more. Don't see why it couldn't be done, it's all on client side and would be extremely useful given all the functionality there is now.


GreenDragon 09-26-2005 11:47 PM

You can post two commands per line use ;. At least you can put ';/pause 20' after something to make it pause before that line.

Turlo 09-27-2005 12:50 AM

One thing I noticed with the recent Hot Key change. If you have a clicky toy hotkeyed in a secondary window, map new keys to that window (Ctrl 1, or Alt 1, etc.) it will not active the gear. Skill keys work, but clicked icons will not function unless you manually click them with the mouse. This should be fixed to work like the main hotkey window.

Drakah 09-27-2005 02:44 AM

Originally Posted by ArcherPhate
haven't played in a few days ( damn college classes, who wants to wake up at 11am) but i thought we could already do this..

They said they were implementing this, but neglected to do so, at least to my knowledge being a pet class.

Originally Posted by ArcherPhate
Would make a lot of current windows broken. if its really a problem, you can usualy just close/move the window, click what you need and put it back. Also, minimalists wouldent be to happy, as many of their UI have low opacity(sp). Many current UI use an invis border as there move handle.

This is strictly game code and wouldn't make any current windows break. Strictly for any area that is drawn as graphics into a window of a transparent area would be able to click threw. Would have no bearing on your setting a window transparency to 100 or not via UI INI file settings, as that is a totally different function.

Originally Posted by ArcherPhate
This would be great, but has the posibility for overuse. It would get really annoying after hearing bart simpson say "eye-crumba" every time i use hot button 1. It really would be cool for the first few times its used. I know many players play with sound off ( or maybe its just necros, we are abusive to our pets so we ignore them via sound off). It would work for seldomly used windows, examples would be; tribute window, skills window, and GoD-Expedition/ldon windows.

The code is already there, but they never implemented it. (example: closing a window via X button clicks). I am sure there would be an option to use button sounds or not, if not, turning off your speakers would do just as well.

danny91643 09-28-2005 07:20 AM

UI Error Display In Chat Wnd

Posted this in UI General, however, felt this forum would be GTG. I was Modding my Ui Hotbutton wind and this appeared in my Chat window. Made Life a lot easier. I don't know if my previous post on the subject had any effect on this, and am not sure if this is a fix, but it sure is COOL.

Check out the Screen Shot

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