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aoenla 12-25-2003 01:48 PM

VMA - Vert Mod, updated by Aoenla

I've been hesitant to post this before, since others have taken up the maintenance of the original vert mod that many of us liked so much. However, my version of the original vert stuff is rather significantly different from the current stuff as maintained by Sokok and Kudane, so I thought I would go ahead and at least post mine here.

I think my stuff remains truer to the original vert design, and I actually prefer it - that's not to say of course that the work done by Sokol/Kudane and others is substandard, it's just gone in a different direction.

I also have incorporated the T.King spell icons, with one change - because I have Ring10, which regularly is overwritten by druid regen, I've changed the icon of the druid regen spell to something "reddish" that is actually probably more appropriate for a dot, rather than a buff. I did that intentionally, since I wanted a solid visual cue when the druid dot had negated my Ring10 buff that I as a ranger happen to prefer. If you find that change annoying, it is easily remedied by simply unzipping the unmodified T.King spell icons into the vma42 directory, restoring the originals.

VMA version 4.2 - (Vert Mod, as maintained by Aoenla)

/points at posted date
Merry Christams!


Kudane 12-25-2003 03:24 PM

Updated your link to your download here.

Also noticed when I tested it your missing an LFG button (just an observation)

And I love that you are using my VERT 1.0 Compass... :)



aoenla 12-25-2003 05:02 PM

Thanks. Actually, after I had posted this, I sorted out how to upload things here, and I've sent it in, under the "mixnmatch" section.

Kudane 12-25-2003 05:08 PM

All approved, and changed my message above to reflect it.

Merry Christmas!

aoenla 12-26-2003 09:40 AM

Ah, that's your compass? Thanks very much for that, I like it a lot.

Kudane 12-26-2003 12:45 PM

Originally posted by aoenla
Ah, that's your compass? Thanks very much for that, I like it a lot.

was the first thing I ever made for Vert.. when Vert 1.0 (now 1.1) was the only one out they added the compass, I made a compass I thought matched fairly well.

Vertabrae went back later and made his own for 2.2... but its nice to see mine still out there.. :)


Kathos 12-27-2003 09:49 PM

edit :nevermind

caribacey 02-13-2004 09:17 AM

Love this UI!

Any chance you will be updating? Seems not to work since the GoD patch.


Chinghis 02-14-2004 01:23 PM

I've been wondering the same thing, Caribacey. Haven't had time to do it, and I have a couple of (unanswered) threads where I ask this, but I wonder if you can't use the Solaria updates (UI based on the same mod (Vert) that Aoenla was based on) to update Aoenla. Or, just use Solaria, I suppose....

But, if you get a chance, give it a try, and give us a shout if it works. Seems logical, I just don't know.

Edit: Well, I tried updating Aoenla with Vert and then Solaria, and neither worked. I'm sure it would, I just don't know enough or have the time to muck around. Solaria, I think it was, made my system crawl, so I've since settled on the Kaori interface. Back to pretty borders, I guess.

mortis42 05-05-2004 11:48 PM

Updated as of 05 May 2004
Hello folks,

I decided to give a shot at updating this UI after seeing this post by brokey .

You can download the new version HERE

Please post here, PM, or email me any problems, requests, or comments that you have with the UI and I will work toward addressing them.

Motivez 05-12-2004 12:41 PM

Any chance we could get this in some different colors?

Ocean Spray would rock.

mortis42 05-12-2004 11:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally posted by Motivez
Any chance we could get this in some different colors?

Ocean Spray would rock.

Drop these files into the VMA folder and let me know if they do it for you.

Edit 2004 May 18
New file uploaded.
Further testing proved there were some graphic errors.
Edited some gauges to be the default red.

Motivez 05-12-2004 11:58 PM


You rock, thanks a bunch. :D

mortis42 05-27-2004 11:03 PM

UPDATE - 27 May 2004
Current version
VMA Version 4.3

Update 27 May 2004
Ocean Spray theme added.

Download HERE

mortis42 07-15-2004 04:17 PM

UPDATE - Jult 15, 2004
Current version
VMA Version 4.3.2

Update 15 July 2004
Updated Container.
Mana and Endurance numbers added to Inventory window.

Download HERE

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