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-   -   upgrade to sidlwidl... (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18271)

shadriel 09-20-2006 08:11 AM

upgrade to sidlwidl...
ok you UI editing fiends with your mass amounts of quickly updated UI's... just what program are u using to do it with? sidlwidl is so outdated now that i'm lucky if even 1 out every 10 UI pieces i try to load up with it, will actually load, the rest either do nothing at all, or it tells me there is an error. its driving me nuts! i'm so frustrated i'm contemplating learning some programming languages just so i can fix that durned sidlwidl dinosaur myself. don't get ur hopes up on me fixing it any time soon tho, programming langs confuse me to hell atm /cry. plz tell me one of u has a working editor, better than sidlwidl, i don't even care if i have to buy it, so long as its not a ridiculous price, i just want a usable editor for my EQUI, between notepad and sidlwidl, i feel like i'm just stumbling around in the dark here. i've managed ok for over a year now, but its just gotten too far behind. plz help =/

shadriel 09-23-2006 07:58 AM

well i guess thats a no, none of u has anything better than sidlwidl /sigh... after a few more days of frustration i've decided to give a shot at fixing the program myself, or attempting to write a new one based off it if i can figure out how. (Sidlwidl has been driving me batty for too long, now i've got delusions of fixing it omg halps!! time to have me committed for sure!) i've been wanting to learn how to do that sort of stuff for a while anyway. like i said before tho, don't get ur hopes up too much LOL, i think i just may b in over my head here. i've ordered some books on programming with C and C++ tho, so maybe teh EQ interface world will get lucky! i've got loads of free time and nothin better to do besides some more EQ, so i'll b givin it my best shot. heheh, if i do succeed, you guys will b the first to know, wish me luck =)

Egras 09-23-2006 08:01 AM

I have really moved on to mostly notepad and use SIDLWIDL for the little stuff. I feel your pain as this was the staple program for newer coders and its a real pain to remove parts of the xml for SIDL to understand them.

nilepez 09-27-2006 01:14 PM

Is there source code?
Is the source code available anywhere? What lanaguage was it written in? My guess it's in some .Net language, but I guess it could be in C. Of course it doesn't matter if you don't have access to the source.

shadriel 09-28-2006 06:42 AM

the source code for sidlwidl? as far as i know, it was never released, but it may be out there somewhere and i just don't know it. i haven't looked for it yet, since i don't know enough yet for it to matter lol

nilepez 09-29-2006 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by shadriel
the source code for sidlwidl? as far as i know, it was never released, but it may be out there somewhere and i just don't know it. i haven't looked for it yet, since i don't know enough yet for it to matter lol

You really want to know what the source is (assuming it's available) before you learn a language. After all, you want to be able to read whatever he's written and possibly modify it (assuming it's not a total mess).

As i said, I think he used VB (possibly .net) or C#, but I don't know for sure and C++ is possible. I know I'd need to know a lot more about Sidl than I do.

Zanl 11-17-2006 01:03 AM

Source Code
There is an SVN Archive of the source code as of 2005-08-09 at svn://svn.jrh.net/EQUI . One of these days I am going to get around to looking at this and seeing what I can figure out. However, I know very little about .net and I am just not sure how many more new tricks this old dog can learn. Any .net wizards out there?

Inokis 11-17-2006 01:08 AM

Notepad and Game Client is all I use. However you only get about 10 ui reloads before the client crashes.

Haliken 11-17-2006 12:47 PM

Does EQ still crash for you after multiple reloads Inokis, or are you just recalling what used to occur months ago? There was a patch at one point (again, months ago) where it specifically resolved the multiple UI reloads causing a crash, and I've been able to do multiple dozen reloads while working on my UI since as recently as the launch week of Serpent's Spine. I haven't done that sort of major work recently though, so am wondering if the problem creeped back in.

Notepad (or wordpad when the file is too big and Windows 98's notepad refuses to load the file) and the game client are what I use.


Sparxx 11-17-2006 08:07 PM

I would love to see an update to Sidlwidl. I am an avid user and would appreciate anyone fixing the code for this program.


Weskat 11-18-2006 08:51 AM

Notepad works well for me. The multiple reloads of the UI in game for testing has not given me a problem recently (I know it was not a problem when updating for TSS and pretty sure it was not a problem with PoR either.)

Slightly off topic but somewhat related, The GIMP also works well for editing tga files.

Zanl 11-18-2006 11:04 PM

Unfortunately, I have tried a couple of times to download the source code and each time the connection is actively refused. (That's how it describes it) I'll keep trying, but it looks like the source code may not be available any longer. Did anybody out there download earlier and still have it on hand, maybe?

Flayation 12-04-2006 12:18 AM

I have a copy of sidlwidl's source in an untouched state(pretty sure) I can email it to anyone wanting to host it/upgrade it. It is written in C# .NET so its out of my forte. But if you want it to just have it, please don't ask, this is short time offer as I don't check this board all that often and probably will be quiting EQ when my prepaid subscription runs out. I would encourage others to help keep it alive, so much "helper" software (not hacking) has fell by the wayside do to developers losing interest and not releasing source for those who could use it but have no idea where to start.

longreach 08-06-2009 03:05 PM

UI Editor
There is a UI Editor by Peter Reynolds but it's not graphic editor, it's Pete's XML Editor and it works very well. If you can't find it, let me know at [email protected] and I'll email it to you, or try, it's a 7mb file.

file name: PXE.EXE

scaevola 09-23-2009 04:53 PM

I'm interested in it.

Is the swidl still hosted somewhere else?

That site is now dead it looks like.

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