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Istak 07-29-2002 11:43 AM

now this is a mod!
to all those looking for a good complete set mod you have to get this one, i wish i could say i made it but I cant the credit goes to Statix Cinderblade

man this is a good mod.


and to get it


Vlarian 07-29-2002 02:29 PM

This is a very nice set..

I can't seem to find a way to access the window options, and also the ability to move around the action window...

Otherwise wow ) I'm using it now, with viewport and its like driving a porche through norrath.

excellent work.


Chaunce 07-29-2002 03:09 PM

Is Zammel the name of the guy's pet? It says, "no pet" over on the right. If it isn't his pet, it sure looks like there are 7 people in that group. Hmmm...

Also, what class that casts a pet and has AA xp only has INT of 108? Maybe I'm mixed up. Hell, I don't know what half the stuff on my own dashboard is for. :)

Wait a sec...maybe his set-up creates an extra spot for somebody else's pet! But if that's true, why does he have a pet control window over on the right?


Vanje 07-29-2002 03:21 PM

Chaunce, I believe what you're looking at is the Target window.

funlar 07-29-2002 03:23 PM

Also, what pet caster has over 4k hp's?
Anyways.. I loaded this skin and I'm having trouble moving the action box.(the one with the 4 buttons at the top for combat, skills, main, and socials) I can't seem to move it or find a place to put the mouse where it will let me move it. Any suggestions? thats the only piece I cant move.

Izzin 07-29-2002 03:23 PM

Statix = Ranger

Zammel = Shaman, however, the Target window is sandwiched between the player window and group windows.

As for pet,

This UI he designed to be universal, he has a straight melee modifciation file as wel if you download it.

As for who can cast a pet with int of 108.

Anyone. There are items that grant you both charm, and items that grant you pets.

Hell a warrior could have a pet.

4k for a pet class is not unheard of all.. As and enchanter I have 3600 buffed, and I am one of the lowest HP of our guild/alliance. We have enchanters, shaman, clerics, mages, necros, and wizards who gross 4k hp when buffed.

Sorry not a flame.. just some information.. applogize if it came off as such.

Xegony 60th Enchanter Venator Sapentia

Chaunce 07-29-2002 03:42 PM

OK, so Zammel is targetted. That makes sense.

As far as pet stuff, thanks for the info. I've never played an upper level caster.

Khalin 07-29-2002 05:23 PM

This is a great mod. The problem is that there are many things that aren't working. The buff window isn't there when I install it and I can do no comand to make it appear. The actions window will not move-I've tried everything. The action menu I can do without, but there is no way I can play without seeing my buffs so I just wanted to note this problem so that this could hopefully be fixed because this is, by far, my favorite UI mod so far.


Istak 07-29-2002 08:08 PM

Read the Readme
you have to read the readme and do what he says to do in there.

once you do that those things that "dont work" will.

Khalin 07-29-2002 09:43 PM

I did that to begin with and did it again. Didn't work, and the forums are filled with people having the same problems. Can anyone give a little more info on how we are supposed to switch the "Character Name_Character Server Number" file? Maybe there is a misunderstanding in what he says to do. There are a ton of people having this problem.


Vlarian 07-29-2002 09:56 PM

All you have to do is overwrite UI_Yourplayername_yourservernumber.ini (located in your main everquest directory) with the file UI_Statix_31.ini and you will be ready to run the theme in 1280x1024.

I did this by copying the entire contents of this ini file and pasted it over the contents of my character UI file that is located in my main everquest directory (as opposed to the UI skin directory) and resaved it.

this took care of the inability to move the action box because it set it in the right spot from the start. - Although if anyone can post a simple fix as to get the window selecter available, as it is now I cant get into configuration,chat settings,or keyboard which is kinda important.

Kudane 07-29-2002 10:18 PM

its there.. lower right hand corner...the four icons..

Khalin 07-29-2002 11:34 PM

Well I seem to have everything working now. I didn't understand that I had to delete the stuff in my "Character-character server #" file and paste in the new stuff. Now it all works. But, I still am getting one new problem I didn't notice before...on the inventory screen it shows my name...but with 60 level shadowknight and all stats at 250 with no ac, hp, atk showing. Anyone know how to change this to show my info?


Shizzel 07-30-2002 12:05 AM

Got the same deal goin in my inventory screen Khalin, i've just been tryin to ignore it.

Also, i tried inserting some other buff window mods into this scheme and there is always some error and i get kicked back to teh default window =X

Still pretty damn nice if we can get the probs fixed.


Izzin 07-30-2002 07:19 AM

Statix is working on a patch now.

He has made some mods to the bazaar window and forgot to fix them before he released it.

Have faith, he will fix the problems.

Currently I am working on rebuilding it slightly for me. (with his permission).. I am working on reversing it. I like all group stuff on the right, and all hotkeys on the left.

I believe Im also going to consolidate most of the bottom if the interface into 2 boxes. Freeing up a few boxes for other ideas.

Like a special "super size target box" that you is situational and you can click it on and off..

Just some ideas I have.

60th Enchanter Xegony Venator Sapentia

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