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Darquethunder 11-09-2003 05:09 AM

Nodrop box
on some of my UIs the Nodrop box doesnt have a yes or no can someone help plz ?

Slashro 11-09-2003 04:58 PM

No yes/no on any popup windows
This appears to be a result of the patch that prevents hitting the esc button and accidentally closing popup windows. I am having the same problem with all popup-type windows, rez boxes, no drop boxes, delete confirmation, drop confirmation, etc. Any one know what file this might be that has these in them? I will continue to look but have not found it yet.

Remelio 11-10-2003 03:42 PM


or something like that.

If you notice, you get a UI error every time you log in because the default file is missing the cancel button.

Drachandor 11-12-2003 04:10 PM

I'm having the same problem, where my accept and decline buttons are not showing up. I don't know enough to be sure of the next step. Should I look for the equi_confirmation_dialog.xml file to be present in the folder of whichever UI I'm running?

Thank you.

Drachandor 11-12-2003 05:13 PM

I'm having the same problem: no accept/decline or yes/no buttons on some pop-up windows. How do I correct this problem. Even the default UI now has this problem. Any ideas please? Thank you.

crewsayder 11-13-2003 04:22 PM

I was trying to loot an epic mob drop and this happend i almost freaked with 6 min on corpes and all so i reloaded to default __ same thing then i went back to the UI i had b4 the patched one and i could loot so somthing in this last patch messed it up. I downloaded the latest patch of the UI that i am using and it still have not fixed it. More troubling is that the Default UI also has this issue:P

what is working for me is I load an old UI that is not completely up to date but does alow me to loot item so i switch between them if i know i got to loot somthing no drop etc

catterly 11-15-2003 06:42 PM

Please tell me how to fix this, even my default ui is doing it. I cant even get a rez, when i tried to switch ui's when the rez window was up or if I try ti zone the lame ass eq client boots me, then i get the oh so lovely 1018 error.

This is makeing my rage like a mad man, please anyone help me (us).

Thank you.


Drachandor 11-16-2003 05:15 PM

This fixed the problem for me...
I completely uninstalled EQ. I then went through and deleted the Everquest folder from my machine. I then completely re-installed the game. This solved the problem being discussed here, which unfortunately was not my only problem.


becksta 11-20-2003 06:06 AM

I had this same problem.

My solution is not quite so drastic as Drachs :)

I did a search for all the ini files in my eq directory and blew them all away... probably overkill but I figured it's easier to make some new hotkeys then try and track down the problem file.

worked fine.

back to redoing my hotkeys now....

skuzzo 11-21-2003 06:31 PM

Question? If u deleted all the Ini files does it repatch them for u or what? Im kinda newb about this stuff and dont want to do any perm damage.

Dolby 11-22-2003 08:41 AM

Originally posted by skuzzo
Question? If u deleted all the Ini files does it repatch them for u or what? Im kinda newb about this stuff and dont want to do any perm damage.

The ini files hold your interface window positions, macros, hot button info, and other configurations. EQ will make these ini files again but your custom settings will be gone. So you will need to re configure your hotkeys and macros and such.

chylder 11-22-2003 12:37 PM

i experienced this problem right after the last patch, i found that if i deleted my UI_character.server.ini file, the problem was solved... i was tipped off to this file by trying to switch UI's without the 1 command, ie: to switch back to the default window positions. however, i found that no matter what i did, the windows stayed where they were and didn't return to default positions. another glitch i was having (and something that can be a more pleasant clue in to this problem) is a lack of the targeting ring, where one was present previously. This is a much easier fix compared to the reinstalling that was mentioned earlier in the thread.

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