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Drakah 02-21-2006 03:28 PM

Character Avatars in Player/Target Windows
Would love to see automatic Avatars shown in the Player and Target window, much like what most of the new MMORPG games do today (example: Warcraft). I brought this up to the Dev's once before but have not heard anything.


Would love to have a way of placing the Class Animation anywhere in the UI. Currently if you do, it does not show your class automatically, as it is coded only to change in the inventory window.

Kinada 02-21-2006 04:33 PM

Man after messing with WoW mods a bit any comparison to EQs interface just doesnt seem right :)

Buddy of mine has been messing with the WoW mod that lets you alter the UI in game in real time. He used it to add the 3d headshots of all his group members and the 3d model and idle animation of his targetted enemy at the bottom of the screen in its own box.

Anyway back to what you were saying. For things like that to work it would require new code I think. I would love to see an even more modular UI farmework be put in place but I think the time it would take to remake the UI yet again would be huge. It would be the only way we would see a more modular UI than what we have however.

What people have done with what we have to work with is pretty amazing already. It would be nice though if each UI piece could be put wherever we wanted and build more custom windows.

WoWs UI however is built upon a scripting language so it's has much more versatility in that UI mods are their own little programs and not just cosmetic changes.

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