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Vanashke 04-24-2005 11:30 PM

Load Screen Modification
First off, I apologize if there is good reference to this somewhere else in the forums, I've done searches and can't seem to find what I'm looking for. My question is, is there any way to change the Loadscreen image (Not the Patcher/Login, I have that down) to something other than the one the EQ loads into the Resources file? I'm not a programmer, but I can't seem to even find the file that references the image files to load during loading/zoning. My guess is that it has to be in one of the XML files, but darn if I can find it. Any help on this would be useful!

Thanks in advance!

ZutfenV 06-21-2005 02:05 PM

I was just wondering this too, and I'll be looking into it tonight; not sure what I'll find out, but I'll dig through some code and take a peek. =)

Linadino 06-21-2005 05:25 PM

Load Screen
The file you want is called Loadscreen.JPG. It is in the folder Resources. I have changed mine and it did work. The only trouble is that EQ always changed it back next time I log in. I got tired of doing it, so I live with the EQ screen.

70 Shammy

Genghiz Cohen 06-21-2005 11:26 PM

Isn't that where the "-nopatch" command comes in handy? Or was that some other game... *scratches head*

larry1024 06-23-2005 12:16 AM

If you want to just run EQ with out running patcher each time just use

"C:\Program Files\EverQuest\eqgame.exe" patchme

on the shortcut run line.

Genghiz Cohen 06-23-2005 03:58 AM

Aah, that's it... patchme.. oh well, I was close-ish :p

ieatacid 03-02-2006 10:42 PM

There seems to be a way to use custom loading screens without worrying about the patcher overwriting it (or the need to bypass the patcher).

Create a folder named "loadscreens" in your default UI folder. You'll have this:


and put your custom loadscreen.jpg file in there.

Edit: There seems to be several options for using different ones too. In eqclient.ini there's an entry "LoadScreenMode". Here's what they do.

0 - no load screen
1 - use load screen (loadscreen*.jpg)
2 - zone specific load screen (short zone name. eg: "qeynos2.jpg")
3 - class specific load screen (short class name. eg: "nec*.jpg")
4 - cycle load screens (cycle through different load screens in the folder - *.jpg)

An alternative to editing your eqclient.ini is to edit your EQUI_OptionsWindow.xml (thanks DKAA!) and add these lines marked with +'s:
<Combobox item="ODP_LoadScreenCombobox"> <ScreenID>ODP_LoadScreenCombobox</ScreenID> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Inner</DrawTemplate> <Location> <X>272</X> <Y>8</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>105</CX> <CY>24</CY> </Size> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>255</B> </TextColor> <ListHeight>200</ListHeight> <Button>BDT_Combo</Button> <Style_Border>true</Style_Border> <Choices>None</Choices> <Choices>Loading Art</Choices> + <Choices>Zone Specific</Choices> + <Choices>Class Specific</Choices> + <Choices>Cycle</Choices> </Combobox>

Save, reload UI and voila.

Drakah 11-24-2006 07:04 PM

I tried toying around with this, but was unable to get it to load any custom loadscreens. I tried making a loadscreens folder in uifiles, resources and also tried dumping jpg in blindly in the root and resources, but did not want to load it.

Chaning the Options window xml and tried altering the eqclient file manually did not seem to work. Perhaps they took out this customization - or I am missing something.

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