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Nibbuhlz 08-07-2002 03:10 AM

Techno Donuts - UPDATED!

Techno Donuts Screenshot #1 (main interface)
Techno Donuts Screenshot #2 (spellbook)
Techno Donuts Screenshot #3 (finished inventory, model in motion)

Yes, it's finally ready. Techno Donuts v 0.1a is READY for testing.
Download here:donuts.zip

Be sure to name your folder Donuts, and feel free to help test it :)

Nennayan 08-07-2002 04:20 AM

Whoa dude! That's pretty cool!

I'm almost afraid to ask what your spellbook looks like, heheh.

Karsan 08-07-2002 07:17 AM

I'm at a loss for words. That's certainly a unique approach to the UI.

Drakah 08-07-2002 07:26 AM

Aye, now THAT is a real unique skin =)

at first glance I thought the large circles was a magnifying-glass of the info windows, but then I had my coffee :p

Oakrunner 08-07-2002 03:08 PM

Now, there are two types of skins. There are the ones that are just colored, like I can do :p and then there are the trurly talented people who can do this kinda work, keep it up!

Nibbuhlz 08-07-2002 06:26 PM

I'm working on spell book and inventory -- both will be circular ;) Also, the player info window on the bottom right is also the group window with the group member's HP bars on the right side of the circle.

:nana: <-- this is me after no sleep and 24 straight hours of XML ha

EDit -- Feel free to send a tell to me on lanys, i have 2 skin test characters (2 accounts so i can see group window) named Tinkertoyz and Tinkertwo. I don't level much atm, this is too much fun :D

Nibbuhlz 08-08-2002 02:15 PM

update :D

Nennayan 08-08-2002 11:14 PM

Good lord, what a spellbook! That thing is huge! It's a good thing you made it transparent.

I've got to make a cool spellbook now.

Kaenil Darkwolf 08-09-2002 01:04 AM

Awesome. I'd make a gnome just for this UI :p

Any idea on when this will be ready for download? :D


Nibbuhlz 08-09-2002 01:31 PM

downloadable version
Still a few things to work out before i can release an alpha...namely the hotkeys are somewhat bugged...oh and i fried my motherboard oops.

When my custom inventory is done i will however release a special inventory only mod, when you see it you'll know why ;)

bordaen 08-09-2002 02:41 PM

Very nice job on the spell book cant wait for the Inv window to come out caues truly the work you do is unique.

Nibbuhlz 08-09-2002 06:56 PM

You're in luck today Bordaen...here's a SS of the first half of the inventory (equipped items except for handheld)

The silver dude in the center rotates once every 4 seconds or so, and will be swappable with a female model.

Techno Donuts Inventory - 50% complete

I have way too much time on my hands :D

Bohorroth 08-09-2002 07:39 PM

that inventory looks great, did you model that man yourself?

guice 08-09-2002 09:14 PM

I do have to admit. Very impressive.

Keep it up. Looking forward to see a full completed skin.

PS: Make sure you keep a detailed 411 on your changes. Would hate for VI to update wnd totally wax everything. ;)

Nibbuhlz 08-09-2002 11:27 PM

Thanks :)

I have a separate folder with all graphics/xmls in it, so nothiing VI does will destroy it. Only thing I'm worried about is them jacking around with how things work :)

Also, just a thought...since this skin is so...GNOMISH looking :p i was wondering if people would want to see me do a skin fer each race...so far i thought of this:

Gnome - Mechanical metal
Dwarf - Heavy metal/stone/gems
Wood elf - (duh) wood
High elf - Marble/gold
Dark elf - Dark marble, rough metal
Ogre - crude wood, misspelled words, some skulls
Troll - crude metal, misspelled words, some skulls
Barbarian - Cold steel, wood, maybe some fur
Erudite - ?
Iksar - ?
Human - ?
Halfling - ?
Half Elf - ?
Vah Shir - ?

oh well, like i always say, 'too much time on my hands' :D

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