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Arremis 02-09-2004 07:02 PM

This Over That
What I would like to see is actual numbers of Mana and Experience Points, just like we do in the Hit Points bar....

HP (............................) 234/234
AC 234
ATK 234
MANA (...........................) 234/234
EXPERIENCE (..............................) 234567/345678

This will help us in 2 ways:

1. Given we already know how much mana a spell costs, instead of trying to calculate how many heals you can throw in along with buffs on the current mana pool, we can just take a look and see "Oh....234 mana....I can cast 6 buffs and still have room for 3 heals....ummm....if I don't fizzle...."

2. We'll know EXACTLY where we are xp-wise instead of having to guess how many kills to the next ding. "Instead of attacking that white con which only gives 520 xp per kill, I can level faster by attacking that blue con that gives 680!!!"

Just a thought....

Incognitogamer 02-09-2004 07:16 PM

eq doesn't have a way of doing that, althought there are programs out there (that probably violate the EULA) that can tell you the exact numbers if you want.

Inokis 02-09-2004 08:50 PM

You can do that with hp, but not mana and experience, theres an eqtype for the HP though.

Dolby 02-09-2004 09:48 PM

Please note the forum the user posted this in "Wish List". Arremis is not asking if it can be done but wishing it could.

rjengel 12-17-2004 12:23 AM

It seems they did a change so they now have an EQTYPE 124/125 for Cur and Max MANA and EQTYPE 126/127 for Cur / Max END
Why not add in EQTYPE 128/129 Cur/Max XP and EQTYPE 130/131 Cur/Max AAXP (well not exactly those as I am sure they are taken - but good enough for example sake)

Neebat 09-04-2007 12:16 PM

Because a level 75's experience number would look something like this:


Seriously, it's a MANY digit number. It's been going up exponentially for 75 levels, so it's completely huge now.

seeker495 09-04-2007 12:31 PM

Not to be contradictory, but the amount of EXP per kill decreases exponentially. The amount of EXP it takes to level stays the same. I am 99.99% sure that number is 330, but thats from memory, so I'm not 100% sure. I know it's somewhere like that, because my UI does show my Current EXP both as a percent and as a number. I won't post exactly how it's done, because, as previously mentioned, it requires the use of a 3rd party tool. I just wanted to point out that if an EQType was added for it, it would at most by 329/330, which is not that big of a number at all.

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