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Mishakaal 01-25-2016 04:57 AM

Help: Fixing old UI possible if i have all pieces? :)

I have come back playing and still plan to raid but i really love above all my UI I had back in the days. Is it possible someone could fix it for me please? :)



Mishakaal 01-25-2016 04:58 AM

Also, i have friends with artists who are among the top on deviant who could redo/create some graphics if anybody wants to help! :)

Drakah 01-27-2016 12:57 AM

Hey there Mish :)

Which UI are you referring to?
If you are looking for the "Default Old UI", that is being maintained at this link.


Mishakaal 01-28-2016 09:04 AM

Hi Drakah! Nice to see ya on the boards too! :) I'm referring to something i had back then for clerics that really worked well for me!

I'll bring up a screenshot in a minute but most of the files in there have not been touched for a while. I have key elements that I must keep in mind when i choose a UI as a healer with 15 years of experience i've seen all kinds since i began playing so that could be a cool thing to share from my experience if i could find someone who helps me fix this up. :)

I'm particularly interested in many key elements for a cleric.

I could ask my friends to redo graphics for some insane slayers/dragons cleric with some magic gems original theme and huhh much better fitting looks but overall i really can't play the same without a fantastic interface with all the cool stuff! UI's has to have functionalities and looks! =D

Maybe i could get someone to create a brand new set of spell gems for this UI.

Most of the stuff feel out of place to me nowaday. It's been some years i've meant to put this together but It's hard to find custom UI adapted/custom made for clerics specifically anymore.

Pictures below but at that point in time custom UI pieces were becoming rarer so the theme looks like a bit out of place since i had to take from many different places to get what i want. Even then, it was not perfect but still way better by a thousand times than nothing. =p




Mishakaal 01-28-2016 10:13 AM

The first picture explores my viewing zone in a UI. I put back then something together to explain how a cleric looks at their screen.

Carefully look at the text coloring "filters" i set in place. It must makes it easy and instant for me to see anything happening. I user hotkeys for pink text highlighting names and spells to help too. (Fake links with item codes)

Mishakaal 01-31-2016 10:56 PM

I've been trying to get a really nice UI for healers and clerics up because others don't cut it.

warriorofmight 02-01-2016 07:06 PM

It would be helpful, I think, to either upload and link to the UI here on EQUI, or even better, a paste of your UIErrors.txt errors so potential modders can see what they're up against.

Mishakaal 02-09-2016 03:02 PM

Very cool idea, thank you!

If i can find a modder i'll get a pro artist to team up with them to enhance or make new graphics/theme to fit with a really cool UI!


Mishakaal 02-16-2016 11:05 AM

Is there someone willing to help me please? :)

warriorofmight 02-17-2016 11:14 PM

Not going to make any promises, especially since I don't play anymore, but I'll patch and load up the test server this weekend, see what the UI looks like and how much work it's going to need.

warriorofmight 02-21-2016 09:58 PM

I'll have to take another look at it later this week. I couldn't get past the animation file.

wraetthu 02-23-2016 06:11 PM

I might be able to update it for you
Let me know if you still haven't found someone to update it and I'll take a look.

Mishakaal 02-24-2016 12:23 PM

Hi! I haven't found somebody :(* Can you help me get it updated and fully working please?

If we need an artist to have some of the graphics modified to get this updated i'll have my friend do it =D

Super mega thanks!


Turlo 03-07-2016 06:19 AM

Took a look at myself. warriorofmight is right. The animations file is going to be the problem.

As I have posted before, messing with the animations file is a sure way to create instability in your UI. If I finish up another project of mine (spellbook update), I will dig in a bit deeper.

Turlo 03-08-2016 09:36 AM

Just finished reviewing this in more depth. It definitely will require a ton of work. Every window needs to be rewritten, and some stability issues are present due to some poor decisions by the original author(s). This is larger project than I am able to take on at this time.

I see by the configs you included that you are on Drinal. I will be on tonight at 8pm Eastern if you want to shoot me a tell.

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