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Turlo 09-08-2011 11:51 PM

Strange Glitch I am stumped with...
Not that I can test right now, because of the power outage in San Diego, but maybe someone has encountered this before.

I am working on a new CastSpellWindow. Something that is a horizontal autosizing with casting gauge - high priority window (thus my asking for help) because it is designed specifically for my RL wife.

I attached the file. Now, an explanation of the problem.

On multiple computers, multiple accounts, multiple characters (basically duplicating it across the board everywhere), this window will move to the bottom right hand part of the screen, mostly off screen, with just a smideon visible to drag it to where you want it. It is consistantly in the same spot in all testing. I have tried it with 8 and 12 spell slots visibile (all I have to play with) and same results.

I am stumped on what is causing it. I tried deleting the UI config file, even verified what it was creating.


If window is locked, etc. it keeps moving it. Not sure how to stabilize this, which I really want to do before I release it. I just can't find anything in the window to cause this behavior.

Is there something whacked with the resize?

Angahran 09-09-2011 06:28 AM

Those positions look way off.
What resolution are you using ?

valaury3169 09-09-2011 08:02 AM

I am fairly sure your problem is:


I think that overides any postioning you set. Setting it to true should fix you up. Or, at least give it a try and see what happens.

I know when you set that property to false on, say, a label, that label then postions itself based on the screen and not the window it is contained within. So, RelativePostion/false 0,0 on a label will put the label on the top left of your screen regardless of where the window is postioned. I am assuming it has an affect of windows themselves.

warriorofmight 09-09-2011 03:56 PM

I actually witnessed some rather peculiar things from this file.

If the window is placed on the left side of the screen and the SpellBook icon/screen is not over the "halfway mark" of the screen, the window stays put when the UI is reloaded. If the SpellBook icon/screen IS over the halfway point, the window shifts right by a certain amount, and the further past the halfway point the spellbook goes the further it shifts.

As to what your problem is specifically ... I just couldn't figure it out. But it seems to revolve around the Spellbook. That or the Horizontal Layout/resizing.

Turlo 09-09-2011 06:51 PM

I am running 1024x768. Nothing wierd. That is why the config file is WHACKED.

Thank you for the feedback. Continuing to test.

warriorofmight 09-10-2011 07:59 AM

It has to be the horizontal layout. I took out everything else that could possibly cause a problem and it persisted.

Whether it is the layout itself or the layout coupled with the screen's lack of size parameters I don't know.

warriorofmight 09-13-2011 09:43 PM

Ever figure this one out Turlo?

It would be an easy fix, except for the fact that I don't know how to fix it and retain the auto-sizing.

krowebar 09-14-2011 02:11 AM

Works fine for me. I cannot reproduce what you are talking about. It starts about middle of the screen, to the far right. Same results in windowed and non. Here is my CastSpellWnd from my ini, just in case it might help you compare or something. I run at 1680x1050 resolution.

[CastSpellWnd] INIVersion=1 XPosWindowed=-1 YPosWindowed=3705 RestoreXPosWindowed=-1 RestoreYPosWindowed=3705 BGTint.red=255 BGTint.green=255 BGTint.blue=255 BGType=1 Fades=true Delay=2000 Duration=500 Alpha=255 FadeToAlpha=255 Locked=false XPos1680x1050=898 YPos1680x1050=810 RestoreXPos1680x1050=898 RestoreYPos1680x1050=810

Turlo 09-23-2011 10:45 PM

Never did get this fixed. Unfortunately, I can't test at that resolution size. Developement has been tabled until I finish some other things.

After all these years, I never did rebuild my full UI files. Jeese, I am a slacker. I'll let you know how things go after I get caught up.

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