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Mishakaal 08-10-2009 05:01 PM

Top-notch professional level UI mods designers?
Anyone still designing top notch professional level UI mods for Everquest pm me. I wanna hire a quality artist.

The UI mods nowadays are so weirding me out with errors and incompatibilities. I want a personalized interface for myself. Copyright to the authors and ownership for distribution rights to me that would be the main deal I propose.

JOB OFFER - Custom UI mods designer for a complete set caster/priest.

Contract details contact/PM me, we will get in touch.



SmileyFAAce_ 08-11-2009 03:25 PM

UI errors or breaking is controll of SOE. I don't know what you can't find already here.


Mishakaal 08-11-2009 04:09 PM

Minimum quality of my cleric interface that I want. No errors, and fixed entirely.

Kalthazz 08-11-2009 04:10 PM

wow so demanding you prob wont get anyone to help with that attitude

Mishakaal 08-12-2009 01:41 AM

It's a payed job not some freebie. Anyway, it's normal to ask for what I want. I gave specifics about it and it's not negotiable as I won't pay for half-assed jobs done. I need pros not people who will go by the little they want to do. It's a fully customized interface for priests I'm hiring people to fix and improve it. :p

Dimencia 08-12-2009 08:17 AM

Mishakaal, dont take this wrong but when dealing with hiring some one for a fluid task as this, additional details are a must in the request.

From a glance there appears to be aprox 20 or so UI mod'rs and about 5-8 active complete set designers left (I may have over looked a few though).

Offer of xxx.xx for a completed program/interface or xx.xx / hour with expected time of xx hours for completion. The # of updates (due to patches, and # of updates due to requested twinks).
(as an example I charged 350.00 for a Inventory Tracking Program that took aprox 20 hours to write from ground up, cost included 3 month adjustment peroid, and one additonal update their after)
*btw I personaly am not offering to undertake this (no time) but just a suggestion to assist you in aquiring what you wish.

If the offer is good enough, you may get what you seek fast even may start a bidding war if its really good offer... but... most of us Play EQ and Work on these UI's because we want it to be fun, when it becomes a job, the fun ends, so there may not be that many takers.

Another Option if you seek your own custom UI:
Buy Windows:
-Group Window
-Player Window
-Spell Casting Window
-Spell Book window
Sub Contract if you will... building a whole new UI from the ground up is major work, often 80 hours before the real UI (with custom grapics) ever shows here.

Mishakaal 08-12-2009 02:41 PM

Ya, I'm giving details for people who contact me althought I'm not a programmer so all i can do is point out the UI pieces I want fixed and tell what I would like.

Those are good ideas about work flow xD.

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