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Sylphan 08-05-2002 10:58 AM

Tip for everyone
I see lots of mods where people include an EQUI_Animations or EQUI_Templates file to go along with their new window. You don't have to do that!

You can put TextureInfo items, Ui2DAnimation items, WindowDrawTemplates, and other good stuff into any xml file. Just stick those items in your modded EQUI_PlayerWindow file or EQUI_TargetWindow file or whatever. It makes the install easier since it's a single file. It makes your mod more independent so it can be mix-and-matched with other mods. And it keeps your mod from breaking every time Verant patches the UI (well, almost).

Kalthanan 08-05-2002 11:47 AM

Great tip
Great tip!

I had thought about this, but I'm so busy trying to create a very complex mod that I'm going in 12 different directions at once, pushing the UI and finding its limits. (Like, did you know you can use GIF, JPG, and PNG files for graphic files as well as TGA?)


Mafoo 08-05-2002 02:11 PM

ahhh good that overcomes my transparency problems! (no more useing 'the gimp' Yay!

Drakah 08-05-2002 02:15 PM

W00t now that solves alot of my "hmmm now which file did I mess up that I get this error?" :D

Thanks for the info!

Dolby 08-05-2002 02:19 PM

Very good tip, makes it easier to get multiple skin modifications to work together.

Deadman 08-14-2002 04:53 AM

Ok id like to insert new animation settings for my spell gems in the castspellwnd. But I am not to sure where or how it would go. I have changed the animation file and it works like I want to but makes it difficult to distribute my mods. Any suggestions on how to add it to this window.

This is the file info I have for one spell gem

<SpellGem item = "CSPW_Spell0">

This is the animation file settings.

<TextureInfo item = "gemicons01.tga">
<TextureInfo item = "gemicons02.tga">

<Ui2DAnimation item = "A_SpellGems">

I think what is confusing me is that I can see where it builds the gem but that part does not contain "A_SpellGems" So if I create a new definition for it in the castspellwnd how is it going to know how to use it instead? Id love to package this all in one file.

Krip 08-17-2002 12:15 PM

Can't get it working! :/
I don't think this works to be honest, unless I am doing something wrong.

see my thread in "General Help / Discussion" for info.

Odaku 10-18-2002 08:09 PM

Your barking up my tree if you want bigger spell gems...i spent some time messing with that...And if I'm right...can't remember learned programming junk so long ago...You can just decare all that junk all over again ...just sorta overwrite the other stuff...but then again...as i remember some programming languages dont like that....BEST BET though is to mod it in the EQanimations file THEN change all the names and copy any modded graphics to new names and change variables..basically make it a stand alone mod that relies only on itself. Personally working on changing my spell gem mod that i posted to be like that....

weawen 11-22-2002 08:19 PM

its sweet how much you people like to help. I am working on a vert 2.2 mod, well just redoing some of it to make it look more "rocky" I know it sounds strange but right now it looks great.

With the gifs and Jpegs how do you do the transpanancy thing? is it just the transparancy channel in GIFs? What color is it on a jpeg? I know they dont have channels like gifs, or tgas

Cairenn 11-22-2002 08:25 PM

Originally posted by weawen
With the gifs and Jpegs how do you do the transpanancy thing? is it just the transparancy channel in GIFs? What color is it on a jpeg? I know they dont have channels like gifs, or tgas

Try browsing through this forum. You will likely find a lot of the info you are looking for in there.

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