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Alyson 10-22-2002 06:05 PM

Hello folks,

I have uploaded Alyquartz on the board and to my very genuine surprise, over 200 of you have already downloaded. I was expecting maybe 30 :P

I'm really surprised and delighted by the response. With this, i think i will continue making modifications on the skin.

I have to thank Statix for his work on Quartz, which i base my UI upon. His skin was the only one i have kept since the new UI has been made available.

I would like to hear what you have to say about the skin, your impressions, comments and suggestions on future mods i could make. Keep in mind that i am not an artist, i am a programmer that can do some XML work. If it's out there, and looks good, i will definitely look at it and i may include it in my skin.

I will always gove full credit to the original artists that create the UI though.

Thanks for your support...

Screen Shot

Alyson 10-23-2002 01:51 AM

over 100 reads and no suggestions or comments?

Havneq 10-23-2002 01:52 PM

does it work with raid windows etc?

Alyson 10-23-2002 01:58 PM

I have not received POP yet and haven't been able to verify this at the moment. I will updats as soon as i get POP and try it out.

Havneq 10-23-2002 05:27 PM

lemme know if not
I got right side quartz working with it by adding the new info into the animations.xml etc

Alyson 10-23-2002 10:33 PM

Got my PoP and all worked fine.

Go ahead and use it.

youngbull 12-29-2002 03:59 PM

i love your 1.5 quartz mod but was looking to make some minor mods to it i wanted to use the everymerchant mod to the merchant windows and the window select bar that wraps round the lag meter (cant remember the mod name atm) i know nothing about XML but i know i cant just drop them in and have it work can you offer advice?

galadryll 01-10-2003 01:48 PM

I have used your Mod since it first came out, and dont plan on changing any time soon :) . I have had to go into the directory and add the Bard buff window, and it seems to be functioning OK (still getting that nasty your UI doesnt wotk..hehe). Was just wondering if you could create the same kind of window as the regular buffs ( I like the way it looks) with just the five buff spots. Please keep up the good work.


galadryll 01-13-2003 10:35 AM

Thank you very much for your quick post or 1.6. It looks great and is still my favorite. Keep up the good work :)

Alyson 02-03-2003 01:40 PM

Originally posted by galadryll
Was just wondering if you could create the same kind of window as the regular buffs ( I like the way it looks) with just the five buff spots. Please keep up the good work.


I try to keep Statix's quartz integral. The reason is that since he's the artist making the design and i am just a "falicitator of integration" i really can't (and don't have the talent" to start fiddling with the images.

I would ask you to see if Statix can make this mod and if it gets in the design, it will be included in my mod.

Cryptic_66441 02-04-2003 08:28 PM

Just curious about the mp3 deal. I can still bring it up, but it has no cool look like the rest of my screen now. Do you or the original designer have the intention of adding this to it? By the way.... I love this mod so much I am using it for my druid and ranger.

Alyson 02-07-2003 11:16 PM

The new MP3 skin from T.King has been released, i will include it in version 1.7 of my skin. Look forward to it :)

hahaha 04-18-2003 04:52 PM

i like this UI but one thing is i think it should have along with the loc system mapped it whitch is nice a list of shortcut buttons for those of us who are absent minded or just can not find them if they already there lol

Genive 04-28-2003 08:40 PM

I've been using your skin for all my characters except my rogue (my only pure melee.) I'd use it for her too if not for the nasty black square in the bottom left corner where her spells would be.

Have you considered a melee version?

galadryll 04-30-2003 10:13 AM

I was wondering if there was a way to make the background of behind the UI invisable again. I like being able to see through the windows.
Thank You,

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