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Gromdelin 06-19-2019 06:53 PM

UI Changes 6/19/2019
I am thinking of making another, possibly pointless, foray in the the world of HTML. I use a very few custom UI pieces, but one of them is a player window. Where in my custom player window would I find what to change for the triple digit change from today? I i found a spot that has references to mana and gauge. Not at all sure what to change there. Any help appreciated.

Smix 06-19-2019 11:57 PM

Also looking for some help
I too use an old old custom UI that I have managed to keep running for the last 15 years, but I'm hoping someone else can help us where to start on the latest change.

I'm pretty sure it's my Player window also that has the problem.

Corydon 06-21-2019 04:30 PM

I don't think it can be changed.
DBG just changed the EQtypes 26, 27 (and more) to be more digits.
Not sure if EQ's XML allows string operations (cut off 1 or 2 decimals before displaying).
If anyone knows and shared the knowledge I'd be happy to learn though =)
(I'd prefer 2 over 3 decimals.)

Edit: Just noticed this was my 1st post since I joined in 2004 ;-)
...which actually puzzles me. Would have bet that I posted before *shrug*

Halelen 06-22-2019 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Corydon
I don't think it can be changed.
DBG just changed the EQtypes 26, 27 (and more) to be more digits.
Not sure if EQ's XML allows string operations (cut off 1 or 2 decimals before displaying).
If anyone knows and shared the knowledge I'd be happy to learn though =)
(I'd prefer 2 over 3 decimals.)

Edit: Just noticed this was my 1st post since I joined in 2004 ;-)
...which actually puzzles me. Would have bet that I posted before *shrug*

go into your player window and find the percentage for each element....look for the 100 text....then go down to the size for each CX element and add 20 to whatever number is there.
<Label item="Player_ManaLabel">
<Text>100</Text> <--- Find this
<CX>20</CX> <---add 20 to this number

Gromdelin 06-22-2019 03:59 PM

Thank you!

Corydon 06-23-2019 09:25 AM

That looks promising, will give it a shot! Thank you!

Fnyyen 06-23-2019 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by Corydon
I don't think it can be changed.
DBG just changed the EQtypes 26, 27 (and more) to be more digits.
Not sure if EQ's XML allows string operations (cut off 1 or 2 decimals before displaying).
If anyone knows and shared the knowledge I'd be happy to learn though =)
(I'd prefer 2 over 3 decimals.)

there are actually several ways to adjust if you are wanting to keep it as a triple (100%) digit would need to change the size settings for the text so that it would line up in the window.

<Label item="Player_Exp"> <ScreenID>Player_Exp</ScreenID> <EQType>26</EQType> <Text>100</Text> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>75</X> <Y>185</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>22</CX> <--- dictate's the "window" For the numbers <CY>14</CY> </Size> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>0</B> </TextColor> <NoWrap>true</NoWrap> <AlignCenter>false</AlignCenter> <AlignRight>true</AlignRight> <AlignLeft>false</AlignLeft> <Font>2</Font> </Label>

so if u where wanting to change the size of the "window" lower the number to change the amount of Visible numbers from 100.000% to 100.0% this is an example and it will Vary between UI's some might have to add the icon size to create a "window" for the Value's

another way to adjust is to add a Text offset and make the adjustments there using.

<TextOffsety>10</TextOffsety> <TextOffsetX>1</TextOffsetX>

there are a few other methods but those are the easier ones to work with.

Tiane 06-24-2019 06:32 AM

The <TextOffsetX> command has no effect on these labels, it seems.

Also, yes you can shrink the window, but that's only semi useful for the XP display, because it will never show 100%. For the H/M/E values, shrinking the display to show 100% looks fine, but then it will show 99.% and such, <AlignRight> apparently not working correctly.

Fnyyen 06-24-2019 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by Tiane
The <TextOffsetX> command has no effect on these labels, it seems.

Also, yes you can shrink the window, but that's only semi useful for the XP display, because it will never show 100%. For the H/M/E values, shrinking the display to show 100% looks fine, but then it will show 99.% and such, <AlignRight> apparently not working correctly.

i had to change mine to <AlignLeft> and shrank the size down to 18 - 19, and that is all depending on your Font Selection, i found it easier to just go with the 99.5 and knock off the rest of the numbers just not sure what it will look like if it ever got to 100.0% tho. as for the <TextOffsetX> its very dependent on the XML code its using

<Gauge item="GW_Gauge5"> <ScreenID>Gauge5</ScreenID> <Text>Party Member 5</Text> <TextColor> <R>240</R> <G>240</G> <B>240</B> </TextColor> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>2</X> <Y>162</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>102</CX> <CY>19</CY> </Size> <TextOffsety>0</TextOffsety> <TextOffsetX>1</TextOffsetX> <GaugeOffsetY>10</GaugeOffsetY> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <FillTint> <R>200</R> <G>0</G> <B>0</B> </FillTint> <LinesFillTint> <R>220</R> <G>220</G> <B>0</B> </LinesFillTint> <DrawLinesFill>false</DrawLinesFill> <EQType>15</EQType> <GaugeDrawTemplate> <Fill>krowbar_EXT_HPGaugeFill</Fill> <Background>EXT_GaugeBackground</Background> <Lines>A_GaugeLines</Lines> <LinesFill>A_GaugeLinesFill</LinesFill> <EndCapLeft>A_GaugeEndCapLeft</EndCapLeft> <EndCapRight>A_GaugeEndCapRight</EndCapRight> </GaugeDrawTemplate> <Font>2</Font> </Gauge>

if ur XML coding looks similar to this one it WILL use the Text offset to adjust the text where ya want it.

depending on what you are doing with this next code you can sometimes move the text in coding but that strongly dependent on what is allowed and not allowed for the <EQType> if i remember correctly.

<Label item="GW_HPLabel2"> <ScreenID>HPLabel2</ScreenID> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Text>100</Text> <TextColor> <R>255</R> <G>255</G> <B>0</B> </TextColor> <NoWrap>true</NoWrap> <AlignCenter>false</AlignCenter> <Font>2</Font> <EQType>36</EQType> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <TopAnchorOffset>65</TopAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>77</BottomAnchorOffset> <LeftAnchorOffset>101</LeftAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> <Style_Tooltip>false</Style_Tooltip> <RightAnchorOffset>122</RightAnchorOffset> <AlignRight>true</AlignRight> </Label>

Different Coding's will allow somethings but not other's so just depends on what coding your working with and what you want it to do, sometimes switching coding type's will get ya the results ya want, just depends on what your willing to go threw to make it work,

jrhansen 06-25-2019 10:22 AM

Originally Posted by Fnyyen
i had to change mine to <AlignLeft> and shrank the size down to 18 - 19, and that is all depending on your Font Selection, i found it easier to just go with the 99.5 and knock off the rest of the numbers just not sure what it will look like if it ever got to 100.0% tho. as for the <TextOffsetX> its very dependent on the XML code its using

Was what I did too. the textoffset did nothing.
In my code :

<Label item ="XPPercent">

I just changed <AlignRight>true</AlignRight> to <AlignLeft>true</AlignLeft>

and adjusted the box size


to hold only the first digit.

I think 100.0 will not happen. as my HP and mana labels all say "100", so I think the definitions automaticly cuts off a .0 digit wich is also pointless to have and exp. will never go past 100, as your officially levelled up when you hit 100%

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