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shadriel 08-29-2006 09:37 AM

new error loading sidlwidl...
is anyone else seeing this error message when they try to load sidlwidl?

"The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)."

this is on one of those pop up error messages and sidlwidl cancels starting up after clicking the OK box. i have been unable to use sidlwidl at all for over a month now due to this error. i don't know if this is related to the new directX9, or if its cuz i had to reinstall my OS or what, but i tried redownloading the sidlwidl zips and reinstalling it and i'm still seeing the same error. i suck at editing just purely off the text in notepad, too, its very slow and tedious going that way, so without sidlwidl it looks like my custom UI is going to die soon :(

Kavrvnwlf 08-30-2006 12:14 PM

if you reinstalled yout OS, did you remember to get the framework 1.1 update? (think that is the one it uses)

shadriel 09-16-2006 07:09 AM

if you are referring to the updated templates available for download on the same page as the link for the SIDL WIDL download... yes i have them already and installed them with the rest of it, when i first reinstalled the program. if there is any other update for this program available anywhere, i was not aware of its existence.

Kavrvnwlf 09-17-2006 08:03 AM

Microsof windows update shows that they are now up to .NET Framework 2.0

shadriel 09-20-2006 01:52 AM

ya i figured out what he meant and got the 1.1 framework download from microsoft, so sidlwidl loads now, ty =)

on another note, i keep having problems getting sidlwidl to load up screens for most of the newer windows that have been put out by SOE for the default EQ UI. this makes it very difficult to get them edited thru sidlwidl. any ideas on how to fix that? would getting the 2.0 framework help maybe? or would that cause sidlwidl to not load at all, since it was designed with 1.1 framework?

Kavrvnwlf 09-20-2006 09:15 AM

I use 2.0 and it still loads properly. as far as errors there is not much that can be done that I know of. i think with the new expansion the toolbox needs updated, but I wouldn't expect anyone to do it (not a programming expert here either) I use the MoreMotion Editor for my text editing and then load it up in sidewidl to arrange everything. so far has been ok, but every now and then it is a pain. the main window that is a problem is the inventory with their stupid "fix" by adding in the tags and : things a while back. Drakah posted a work around that has been ok so far for me. Hope this help.

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