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ThornyEQ 04-07-2003 05:04 PM

/Chatfontsize Observations
I'm experiencing the same problem others have noted many times here: /chatfontsize 1-4 are tiny/small (like equivalent to 6-9 point size on a printed page...small), thin and hard to read, while /chatfontsize 5 is large (closer to an 18 point bold type on a printed page)...too large and bold.

I had pretty much given up on seeing a solution and then I installed EQ onto my laptop this weekend. Suddenly, using the default UI on a totally fresh install, /chatfontsize 4 is a *beautiful* 12 point demi-bold type that is very easy to read, even when combat spasm is scrolling past at near-light speeds.

The screen resolution is identical to that of one of my desktop machines I use to play EQ, but even going back to the default UI on my desktop machine the text comes out thin, small, and hard to read; nothing at all like the beautiful text I get from my laptop.

What could be happening? How could I make the desktop machine's fonts in EQ look like the laptop's? Where would I even begin looking?

I can post a pair of comparison pics if that will help any.

Skarlett 04-07-2003 05:59 PM

I have noticed the exact same problem (4 too small, 5 too big) and wondering what's the solution to an acceptable font size, somewhere between the 2 sizes. I'm hoping someone can offer some assistance. :(


ThornyEQ 04-07-2003 06:08 PM

My issue is that the "ideal" font size exists in one of the machines I have EQ installed in, but not in any of the others (between my wife and I, we have 5 EQ-capable machines) and I'm trying to find out what the difference might be, or if anyone would know where to even start looking.

Could it be perhaps a Windows default font issue? The laptop installation (where the EQ fonts look best) has just the basic Win XP font set, while most of my others have additional fonts installed (not that EQ uses them).

Is there perhaps a default font that EQ has hidden away somewhere? If so, could this default font be different [read: better] in an installation that was done from the New EQ All-In-One tin box set? Am I totally on the wrong kilter? :\

kenney 04-07-2003 06:53 PM

no clue but your right 4 is to small and 5 is to big maybe if we can contact sony about this it can be looked at .. but right now i have no clue how to let them know ....

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