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Aeroslin 04-09-2003 06:57 AM

Text Editor
I'm sure everyone has their favorite text editor but if you don't and are looking for one that isn't specific to any specific OS, try Jext. http://www.jext.org

I've been working on story window mods and this the only program that I have found that will append text at the beginning of every line, even when there is existing text. You can select the whole page, then tell it to insert <BR> at the beginning of every line. Works like a charm.

to prove the usefulness of Jext, I created a custom tag 'inserter' for it. Save the following text into a file called EQSL.insert.xml and put it into the \Documents and Settings\User Name\.jext\xinsert\ folder. (applies to Win2k and XP)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xinsert SYSTEM "xinsert.dtd">
<menu name="EQ Story Line">
<item name="BreakLine">&lt;br&gt;</item>
<item name="DocLink">&lt;a href"file:///storyline/"&gt;|&lt;/a&gt;</item>
<item name="Green">&lt;c "#00FF00"&gt;|&lt;/c&gt;</item>
<item name="Yellow">&lt;c "#FFFF00"&gt;|&lt;/c&gt;</item>
<item name="Cyan">&lt;c "#66CCFF"&gt;|&lt;/c&gt;</item>
<item name="Magenta">&lt;c "#FF00FF"&gt;|&lt;/c&gt;</item>

Jentraal 06-24-2003 03:42 PM

hey man, thanks for the info.

I was using Textpad, but I'm gonna check this out. Looks cool.

-- EDIT --

Oh man, this program ROCKS! :)

Jentraal 06-24-2003 07:42 PM

Just thought I would point out your DOCLINK line is missing a "=". The only reason I figured this out is cuz none of my links were working. :D

It should read:

<item name="DocLink">&lt;a href="file:///storyline/"&gt;|&lt;/a&gt;</item>

grottel 06-25-2003 10:04 AM

Re: Text Editor
Originally posted by Aeroslin
I've been working on story window mods and this the only program that I have found that will append text at the beginning of every line, even when there is existing text.

I use MS-WORD when I need to do this.

Replace (CTRL-H)
Search String = ^p
Replace String = ^p<br>

This would replace the paragraph markers with with a paragraph marker followed by <BR> which effectively appends <BR> to the start of each line.

When done, just be sure to save as a text docuemnt.

BTW - Thanks for listing the tool - you should submit it on the EQGUI Links page.

Zatriz 09-25-2003 03:31 PM

Personally I prefer to use Ultra Edit. Wonderful text/programming editor that will also allow HEX editting.

Lewzephyr 10-08-2003 12:11 PM

Well, I took a look at JText, and I do like the way it looks, but (you knew there was one) there are two things I dont like....
First: it is very slow to load up... but I am sure that is due to the fact it is a Java based program.
Second: Where the heck is the word wrap feature... I cant stand the scroll left and right to read my code.

Ya ya, I know its free, and I will continue to use it untill I find something better.

Does anyone have any recommendations for a Free Code editing program that does color codeing for HTML, XML, Java, etc, and has the word wrap feature?

Wiltan 11-21-2003 08:23 PM

Does anyone have any recommendations for a Free Code editing program that does color codeing for HTML, XML, Java, etc, and has the word wrap feature? [/B]

I use TextPad for all of my coding; it does color coding, has word wrap, many bells and whistles. It's unrestricted shareware, and it's cheap to register (I think $20).

mortis42 11-30-2003 11:04 AM

My editing programs
Here are the programs that I use:

Metapad - Notepad replacement. I have removed notepad from all my computers and use this now.
Source Edit - Free multi language editor. Also has free Hex editor. This program allows you to change text in all the files in a folder. I like it to change all the True to true and False to false in my UI directory with one command.
XML Spy - If you can afford it. I love this one because it has a nice grid view that allows me to edit whole blocks of code easily.

Sownow 11-30-2003 12:04 PM

Does anyone have any recommendations for a Free Code editing program that does color codeing for HTML, XML, Java, etc, and has the word wrap feature?

I've never seen a free one that does that but Ultra Edit Does that and the color coding is also customizible.

I have been using UE for going on 7 years now and i wouldnt be without it :)

Marsiggy 05-20-2004 07:17 PM

does anyone use dreamweaver for xml editing .. i took a course in it like years ago and i dont remember if dreamweaver does that or not

Starrieblakskie 04-11-2006 07:04 PM

I usually use Sidlwidl when I want to see the changes I am making. (If you download sidlwidl you'll also need to download the .NET SDK version 1.0 *not newer version* from... http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...&displaylang=en)
When I need to change something small like a border from true to false or if I need to copy and paste parts of files, I use XMLwriter but there are free programs that do the same thing like MoreMotion XML Editor and some people even use notepad from what I hear =)

hope that helps =)

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