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Aideen 11-19-2002 06:05 PM

SpellBook Text Color
Ok.. this is more for me *grins* but for anyone else out there that wants to know.

To change the font color look below:

<StaticText item ="SBW_SpellName0">
<R>0</R> } Red Number
<G>0</G> } Green Number
<B>0</B> } Blue Number
<Text>Complete Healing</Text>

Every spell from 0 -15 you need to add this:
<R>0</R> } Red Number
<G>0</G> } Green Number
<B>0</B> } Blue Number

You can change the colors to your desire:
RGB Color Codes

Notes: Thanks to Pure for posting this way back when.

Pure 05-01-2003 10:10 PM

Thank You
I havent even paid attention to looking through older posts. I did some beginner xml stuff when the newer style UI first came out.

I just happened to stumble across this helpful info by accident. Looked at the code and said hmm that couldnt hurt and it actually worked.

Just shows try whatever you desire just keep backups of your files first :D

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