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Dsydor 12-25-2003 03:32 AM

Yin Yang 3D Target Ring ?
Could one of you boy genuises make that ? :)

Green: Spin Very Slow

Higher the Con, faster the spin.

Inokis 12-25-2003 04:14 PM

I've tried many, many, many diff .tga formats and designs. I cannot get a feasible working pattern for the Yin-Yang design. Perhaps someone working with layers might be able to come up with one, but as for me, I can't get a good design.

Kudane 12-25-2003 05:10 PM

Re: Yin Yang 3D Target Ring ?
Originally posted by Dsydor
Could one of you boy genuises make that ? :)

Green: Spin Very Slow

Higher the Con, faster the spin.

This might be doable using frames... not a bad idea over all.

kasca 12-29-2003 12:46 PM

what about a non moving one? One side dark con other side a lighter con color?

Azuth 12-29-2003 12:58 PM

I'd rather have one side black and the other the con color myself.

Dsydor 12-30-2003 12:43 AM

The Yin in Black, the Yang in Con-Color!

Static, with a nice glowy to it, in Con-Color...

Mm.. Sounds Sexy!

While looking around at some nice images of the Symbol, the very obvious dawned on me...

Pentacle/Pentagram! Yea yea.. get you shot by some church groups, but we play EQ so we are all going to hell, or are in hell, already ;)

Cairenn 12-30-2003 01:33 AM

Re: Oh!
Originally posted by Dsydor
While looking around at some nice images of the Symbol, the very obvious dawned on me...

Pentacle/Pentagram! Yea yea.. get you shot by some church groups, but we play EQ so we are all going to hell, or are in hell, already ;)


Repeat after me:

A pentagram is neither demonic nor evil!
A pentagram is neither demonic nor evil!
A pentagram is neither demonic nor evil!


Kudane 12-30-2003 01:34 AM

Re: Re: Oh!
Originally posted by Cairenn

Repeat after me:

A pentagram is neither demonic nor evil!
A pentagram is neither demonic nor evil!
A pentagram is neither demonic nor evil!


See what you did.. you hit Cairenn's ONE pet pee've hehehehe

Cairenn 12-30-2003 01:41 AM

Re: Re: Re: Oh!
Originally posted by Kudane
See what you did.. you hit Cairenn's ONE pet pee've hehehehe

Well, one of them, certainly :p

As for the pentagram/pentacle, there will be at least one offered in the not too distant future (amongst various other target indicators) if I can ever get the darn UI skin I'm currently working on sorted out ... ... mind you, it would probably help if I could draw a straight line (not even a ruler helps! :p)

Lothay 12-30-2003 12:43 PM

For those who want to know, the pentegram is actually the "Seal of Solomon" the wise Hebrew king who used it's power to bind the efreet. When the seal is aligned properly, it is an ancient hebrew symbol of a wise and very holy king.

It is when it is inverted, that is supposedly being used for evil, which is true for nearly all christian and hebrew symbology. :)

And yes, I think a pentegram would make a nice target ring, espcially for wizards and magicians.

Ladred 12-30-2003 01:02 PM

That would be a great target indicator. Nice and detailed Gnostic symbol.

Cairenn 12-30-2003 01:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally posted by Lothay
It is when it is inverted, that is supposedly being used for evil, which is true for nearly all christian and hebrew symbology.

ARGH! No, no, no, no!

From the site I linked above:

Inverted Pentagram

The pentagram may be inverted with one point down. The implication is of spirit subservient to matter, of man subservient to his carnal desires. The inverted pentagram has come to be seen by many pagans as representing the dark side and it is abhored as an evil symbol. Fundamental christians, indeed, see any form of pentagram as such. However, these are recent developments and the inverted pentagram is the symbol of Gardnerian second degree initiation, representing the need of the witch to learn to face the darkness within so that it may not later rise up to take control.



Personally, I like this one for a Pentagram indicator, and it'll probably be one of the ones I include:

I have a comparable YinYang too ...

(Edit: btw, I know you guys aren't saying the Pentacle, whether right-side up or upside down, is evil, I'm just mostly having some fun)

Ladred 12-30-2003 01:47 PM

If you could make the target indicator shimmer like that it would own.

Ladred 12-30-2003 02:14 PM

How big is the smallest possible negative space that appears underneath a player? This would be the only problem I would see with a ying yang, unless you make that negative space one of the circles in the ying yang.

Lothay 01-05-2004 04:36 AM

(Edit: btw, I know you guys aren't saying the Pentacle, whether right-side up or upside down, is evil, I'm just mostly having some fun)

You did note that I said supposedly? *grin* While it has been some years since comparative religion, even I know that many modern religions simply declared as "evil" all that which was not part of their cannon. And now I'm having a little fun. :)

There's all kind of interesting symbols out there from various religions and philosphies. Some would make really neat target rings. Personally, I'd like an eight-pointed star of Chaos. Dratted shame that I can't even draw stick figures...

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