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-   -   EQ Timer Full Version Realse 60 Minute Timer, New Font (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=813)

Sabani-Brell 08-08-2002 09:58 PM

EQ Timer Full Version Realse 60 Minute Timer, New Font
1 Attachment(s)
Ok here it is the Final Cut of this Timer, dont ask me to do more than 60 Minutes cause it takes 310 frames per hour to make and i aint doing it lol

Alignment issues and Font fixed in last version, Changed the TGAs to be 10 Minute Sets, theres 7 .TGA files with this Mod, be sure you get em all in your Directory..

to Open Timer use ALT-F, this mod is a replacement for the Friends window

to Reset Timer type /loadskin (skin) 1

This timer does not reset crossing a zoneline only way to start back at 00:00 is to run it all the way thru or type the command listed above

Karsan 08-08-2002 10:24 PM

We should all petition Verant to make this a standard feature... just send 'em the files showing we already have the animations and stuff loaded... we just need 'em to give us a way to say /timer <mm:ss> where mm is minutes and ss is seconds... dunno if it's possible or not, but it sure would be a nice touch for timing mobs, or for timing those nasty AE's on Yelinak...

OK Everyone -- synchronize yer timers!

Sabani-Brell 08-08-2002 10:31 PM

NOOO dont do that lol cause then all this work i did would be for nothing lol ..actually to be honest i dont think verant supports Spawn timing and they proly wouldnt be real keen on an in game timer, this wasnt super hard to do once i got the TGAs Laid out right cause for each ten minutes i just cut and paste the same Locations, making every one of my TGAs the Exact same lay out helped alot, only had to code for 10 minutes then cut and paste changing the tga call in each 10 min set...i used a seperate text file to do this and used replace command to change digits1.tga to digits2.tg, and so on to paste the next 10 minute set, i hope everyone gets as much pleasure from this as i do, when i satrted it i meant to do just a 5 minute timer to test my theory, but once i realized how easy it was to make it 60 mins i kept going with it

i wont be making a longer running timer cause this is just getting too large, 60 mins should be enuf for anyone, if you need to time 90 mins just let it run 60 and then 30 again

Karsan 08-09-2002 12:09 AM

LOL, yeah, but I'm hoping once Verant realizes people are industrious enough to do it, and have it working successfully, so folks already have it anyway, that they'll just breakdown and make something that uses real numbers... and just ticks off the system clock or something... shouldn't be much (if any) CPU overhead on their side.

Maybe set 3 timers or something with EQType flags, hehe...
/timer1 0:15:00
/timer2 1:30:00
/timer3 0:00:30

Wow, I can see it now...

Sabani-Brell 08-09-2002 12:35 AM

hey mine uses real numbers! lol have ya had a chance to try it out yet? its pretty useful i pretty much just keep it running all the time and if i need to reset it i do

Sabani-Brell 08-09-2002 05:51 AM

ok so 34 Downloads and noones threatening to break my knee caps yet so ill use the old no news is good news and assume you all like it, im working on prettying it up a little but wont be adding anymore time to the counter, just make it more stylish

Saoshen 08-09-2002 11:17 AM

You could cut down on size and amount of code, by reducing the timer increment to 10, 30, or 60 secs...

I dont think anything in EQ is exact down to the second.. and even if it, 10, 30, or 60 secs should be close enuff for most..

Personally, I'd prefer 30 sec increments..

Guhldan 08-09-2002 11:27 AM

I downloaded it to look at your tga files. I have no intention to ever use it. :D

Sabani-Brell 08-09-2002 01:04 PM

This Timer is on 10 Second increments with a recycling non stop Seconds digit, only 10 lines of code to keep the seconds scrolling, The max Duration on Animation Files is 10000, MS or 10 Seconds so i had to work with it from there,

The TGA files are set up so i could code a 10 Minute set then Cut/Paste 10 mins at a time with having nothing to change But the TGA call which was easy using the Find/Replace feature

Anyhow hope ya all get some use out of it, if you see any problems let me know

Dalink 08-09-2002 01:11 PM

animations in the EQ GUI are limited to 10000ms which equals 10 seconds, heh, which I found out in my original 15minute timer which counted down by 15 second intervals. I coded the images with 15000ms frames which eq would not do, instead defaulting to the 10000ms limit, which, in turn, caused my timer to run fast.

HOWEVER, I am currently working on a few ideas I've had about the coding of animations which I'm hoping will reduce the number of .TGAs used as well as make it easier to display a 90 minute timer. So far, my progress is slow, but I think it will work. I just need to tweak it a little.

BTW, good job on the timer.

Sabani-Brell 08-09-2002 01:28 PM

I hope ya get it to 90, personally i figured 60 mins would be plenty so i dont feel compelled to continue, i could feasibly have made it 90 mins by adding 3 more TGA and pasting 3 more 10 min Sets of code but wanted to keep it easy, if i wanna time 90 mins ill let it run to 60 then when it hits 30 again ill have my 90 hehe

thanks, your timer was a good work also, just i had a leg up knowing the 10 second cap

Dalink 08-09-2002 08:14 PM

WOOT! Got it working..
1 Attachment(s)
Kk, Got it done, 90 minutes (maybe 100? hehe, testing it now) transparent background, nice graphix, Keeps perfect time, No allignment issues, Uses 1 TGA file, It counts down, I dunno.. its different.

will post a teaser SS, but not gonna release it untill I let it run at least one full rotation.

Heh, now that I made it cound Down, I'm thinking about making one count UP.. but that will be for another night, heres the SS

Sabani-Brell 08-09-2002 10:12 PM

cool deal, i guess i can delete mine and download yours when ya posted it, i aint gonna try and outdo ya, i did what i set out to do and accomplished it, im glad ya got a better one made

Dalink 08-09-2002 10:38 PM

By all means, keep yers.. heh, mine is a wee bit big, and it still counts DOWN.. I wasnt trying to out do yers, I was simply trying to find another way to do the animations without all the tga files..

I thinking about editing the xml to make a buncha different timers so you can just loadskin 15min 1 or loadskin 30min 1 or whatever it is you need for whatever situation. I really feel like playing eq tonight a little, and dont feel like writeing a readme right now, so I wont be posting the zip for my timer just yet.. Might post it before I goto bed, I dunno..

Amaprotu 08-09-2002 11:39 PM

for different durration timers, maybe the tabed window interface could be used.

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