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Cairenn 01-02-2003 01:50 AM

Lag Meter
Let us move it. Yes, we can turn it on or off using F11. Yes, we can move it (somewhat) using /viewport. But even using /viewport, it's still in the upper left hand corner of the "viewable" area. It would be great to be able to place it elsewhere on the screen.

Talyns 01-12-2003 06:56 AM

They should put it in a transparent window so it can be moved around.. They should also allow us to modify the way the meters looks :)

Remelio 01-12-2003 08:52 AM

Agreed - the one thing in the UI that we can't make look like it fits...

And hey I have a perfect idea for the keyboard shortcut to toggle the lag meter window ;)

Tobin Itharel 01-27-2003 08:02 PM

I agree and disagree here...

A standard FIXED meter is a good thing and the system to turn it off from view is good as it stands.

However, a NEW window with the SAME function that is user changable would be nice. This way you turn off the standaer and on the user mod.

Best of both worlds

weawen 01-27-2003 08:32 PM

immagin a sweet gague kinda like a exp bar filling up as the packet loss got higher =) that woudl be cool too.

Shelby 04-22-2003 12:43 PM

Lag Meter
or as I call it "The LD Bar" was moveable when EQ first came out.
You were able to move it anywhere on your screen.

kenney 04-22-2003 05:47 PM

yeah i remeber that long time ago hehe

genedjr 08-21-2003 06:34 PM

make it moveable
I agree with fellows here, make it movable. I have all my windows near the borrom of the screen. And as a cleric I amost never take my eyes of life bars and chat. Not having that window close has led to more than one LD death.

Spider 08-21-2003 07:48 PM

I may be wrong...wouldn't be the first and not the last heheh...but I thought someone made a window for the lag bar it was when custom UI's first came out but it was in a window where you could move it? Anyone else remember this or am I imagining things?

Dolby 08-21-2003 08:11 PM

nope. The Lag meter isnt part of the XML interface. Its downstream of all that junk. There attitude on the lag meter was that it wasnt even ment to be part of the live client and was only put in for the beta test. They just forgot to take it out.

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