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grottel 04-07-2003 07:49 PM

Destroy Corpse Button
I would like to see SOE add a Destroy Corpse button to the Loot Window.

Here's the idea...often times, theres loot on a corpse thats just trash and its annoying to have to loot trash just to destroy or drop it. Worse still is lore stuff which can be annoying as heck to find yours to destroy then loot the corpse. This is particularly true of large sized mobs which cause vision problems for small races. So add a button that allows the person looting the corpse to destroy it.

Obviously there would need to be some extra checking done. This button would only be active for mob corpses - not for character corpses.

Also this Destroy Corpse button should have a confirm window. Having auto-destroy option turned on would prevent the confirm window from appearing.

Pickett Pockett 12-05-2004 05:56 AM

/hidecorpse solves the problem of corpses blocking your view, but I agree that it's just a pain in the butt to have to loot every piece of junk on a corpse. If the stuff sold for more than a few silver it wouldn't be a problem because everyone would be fighting to loot it, but the worthless junk in the loot system is just rediculous.

Turlo 12-05-2004 05:08 PM

/hidecorpse looted

That command is awesome. Any corpse you loot, and leave items on will disappear afterwards automatically. No need to repeatedly hit /hidecorpse all every few minutes. It is the command of choice for farmering tradeskill components.

Edit: I also wanted to add the potentional problems your suggestion could cause with a raid mob. Mistakes happen. And one individual could find a raid of 71 other people quite upset with them.

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