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RobynnMerrilin 08-15-2002 10:18 AM

Paint Shop Pro?
Is this application good enough to use for editing the tga files? I really have no idea what to look for, as I'm not well versed in this stuff.

Mainly, I want to be able to put Vert's gauges into the default window pieces file. I tried it last night, and it seemed to load right one time, and it hasn't loaded properly since (and I didn't edit the file again after that).

If PSP is useable for this, what things do I need to look for to save the file correctly?

Thanks guys.

Tasiel 08-15-2002 11:30 AM

I'll hafta admit, this has me stumped too. I been trying the same thing ye have. After a number of edits all I have been able to get is a wider gauge. I was able ta change the mouse pointer by placing it as a transparency but this does not seem ta work fer the gauges. I even tried cutting and pasting each gauge seperately but still couldnt get it ta work.

Anyone know just how this can be done right?

Pure 08-15-2002 05:46 PM

Paint Shop Pro 7
Here's a short - Help Me instruction - I did this already on my bars :

1) For my reference make sure you have the Tool bar showing:
Go to View - Toolbars - Check Tool bar and close

2) Open the target file of choice - (Verts changed Bars window)

3) Go up to Tool Bar and click on Wand - Move the wand over the window_pieces01.tga file from Vert and left click mouse - You will notice bunch of dotted lines around everything - Go up to Selections - Invert - You will notice that the larger dotted line that was around entire image is gone and only the inside dotted lines show still

4)Go to Selections - Save to Alpha Channel - The Save to Alpha Channel Window then click and highlight Alpha Channel 1 - Then OK - Yes

THIS WAS TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN ALPHA CHANNEL - Which basically means the image you have or select from now on is TRUE or doesnt include some boxy or such background along with it - JUST THE IMAGE ITSELF :)

5) Right click on window_pieces01.tga window - The lines disappear - Go to Tool bar and select the dotted line rectangle - Go back to image and click and hold mouse and drag over the area you want such as bars - when done release button and Edit - Copy

6) Open up the other window_pieces01.tga file you want to put new bars in - Click on image to verify this is one you want - Edit - Paste - As Transparent Selection and move the Vert bars over the existing and when they line up stop and right click :)

Voila now if you want the line just in between with small indents out just take the dotted rectangle box a select and Edit - Cut ;)


This information can be used to change the Item background box to right of bars and down - The Spell Icon Box is down - Cursor also.

If you dont select alpha channel (Transparency) like described for .tga files in EQ you end up with boxes and odd looking stuff.

BlakGard 08-15-2002 05:49 PM

Re: Paint Shop Pro?
Yes, you can use PSP to alter all of the TGA files. Although it's not quite as good as PhotoShop, it pretty damn close.

RobynnMerrilin 08-15-2002 06:48 PM

Ah, the alpha channel step was the part I missed. Thanks a ton.

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