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cschissler 10-08-2003 10:49 AM

This is THE ONE!!!!! is this even possible?
I finally found it. My UI that I love love love!!! If there is anyway to have someone get this UI working with all the current fixes I would love you forever!!!

Here is the link>


This is the post>

A Ghoul

POSTS: 13 [0.04 per day]

SERVER: lanys

MEMBER: #41645

STATUS: offline

Newest Ranger Ui *available for download now Post# 1

with some urging- i think ive figured out how to upload the files for this mixed matched ranger UI
there is a spell cast bar built into main chat window as well as - arcane mod cast model im sure you all have seen.
arrow pointer/leaves yay/ lots of space to see why the heck you just died.... lemme know if ya like it

I BY THE WAY TAKE NOOOO CREDIT in the making of any of these files- only in putting them all together


someone decided to host it!!! here try this

cschissler 10-09-2003 09:02 AM

It looks like mavs UI with some additional tweeking like the horizontal buffs bar and hot buttons on top. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Help me get my UI back:(!!! The one I have is way to broken beyyond all repair.

Cairenn 10-09-2003 10:27 AM

I remember seeing it, I'll poke around and see if I can figure out where it came from.

On a related note, and a personal request, would you do me a favour, and zip up your wnd_bg_dark_rock.tga and wnd_bg_light_rock.tga files and attach them to a message here, please?

cschissler 10-09-2003 11:02 AM

If i can i will:) Ill search those when i get home from work tonight:)

Thanks for youre help in advance:)

cschissler 10-22-2003 09:29 AM

I cant seem to find those files, are they in the UI folders??

infinity9 10-22-2003 04:08 PM

stick the ui on here and i'll fix it for ya.

cschissler 10-24-2003 12:03 PM

Ok thank you so much, i will attach it this weekend

Thank you for trying to help infinity9 I so appreciate it:)

cschissler 10-30-2003 08:18 AM

Ok, I tried to attach the UI but how do I get all the items within that file to attach to this post?

Should I just attach the files that are usaully mentioned with fixes? i.e. Animations........

cschissler 11-05-2003 08:46 AM

Hello, can some one let me know how I can attach my ui here? it seems to be to big.

cschissler 11-05-2003 12:46 PM



cschissler 11-05-2003 12:58 PM

infinity9 here it is
I think I actually found the UI link and the UI is ziped here!!!


This is pretty much the same UI that I used. I am praying youre offer still stands to throw the UBER fix on it infinity9 :) or anyone else that is feeling like they wouldnt mind making me the Happiest Ranger in all of Norath =)

cschissler 11-07-2003 08:36 AM


*edit > I am sorry about that Kudane. Was unaware of the bump rule. Now I know:) It wont happen again

Kudane 11-07-2003 10:16 AM

Please do not bump post

it does nothing for your post except get it closed. the people who have offered help will see the post without you needing to bump it to the top.

please consider this your first official warning..

good luck with the UI, I am sure someone will get it fixed up for you.


cschissler 11-14-2003 08:36 AM

I take it this UI cant be fixed or its to dificult:( Thanks for trying guys:)

scaevola 11-14-2003 11:12 AM

I your really that anxious I might suggest reading the patch fixes forum. I didn't even know xml (or at least some) until delta2.2 broke w/ ldon..after 5 days ..I gave up ...couldn't deal w/ default.

Took about 5 hours but I patched with knowing a thing about xml.

If you have any coding background or even html Its not hard to fix the obvious things...But adding color chaning hps ..etc specific stuff. Like the new pet window/buffs are harder...

The more you learn..the less you have to depend on some patching it for you(and dealing with default:( ).

If I get a few minutes...I'll check this out this one this weekend if I have time..but I'm really busy...good luck.

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