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Reizack 03-30-2004 11:02 PM

Pointer question
Is it possible to somehow simply edit a pre-existing cursor but change its dimensions? ie, I download a working cursor, would it work if I opened the TGA, made my own custom graphic at 128x128 (256x256 canvas), saved over the old one, opened up the EQUI_Animations.xml, changed this (using Avn's blue cursor for instance):

<Ui2DAnimation item = "A_DefaultCursor">

to this:

<Ui2DAnimation item = "A_DefaultCursor">

so far it hasn't worked, not sure what i'm missing. ive looked for help accross the boards and at tutorials, honestly, but I haven't been able to pin my finger quite on what else needs editing. Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

kenney 03-31-2004 10:55 AM

if thats the only thig you added you missing this in there too:

<TextureInfo item = "avnmse.tga">

youll need to put the size of yours in the cx cy and the name.tga then it should work.

Reizack 03-31-2004 08:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hmm, I already had that line in there and the correct name. Well, heck, I'll just attach the img and post what I had added to the EQIU_Animations.xml file and perhaps in time someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. Again, any help is appreciated. :)

<TextureInfo item = "ssrasword.tga">

<!-- Cursors -->

<Ui2DAnimation item = "A_DefaultCursor">

(ps- yes I'm aware there's already a ssra sword cursor, however it was much too small since I run at highest resolution possible and it was too small to improve upon, so I screenshot a ssra sword, shrunk it down, touched it up to something larger and more detailed.)

kenney 03-31-2004 10:58 PM

hmm thats who i have mine up...??? did you put the pic in your ui ? did you alfa chanel it right? other wise im clueless..
ohh also make sure the names right on both pic and file.. might be dumb but i done it once lol..

Reizack 03-31-2004 11:01 PM

Alpha channel? Must have missed that...? you mean delete any background pixels to make the img transparent except for the pointer?

Lothay 04-01-2004 02:16 AM

Originally posted by Reizack
Alpha channel? Must have missed that...? you mean delete any background pixels to make the img transparent except for the pointer?

That's not exactly right.

The Alpha Channel is a layer of the image which defines which parts of the image show through.

TARGA (TGA) format uses the Alpha Channel to define what is dispalyed on-screen, a "mask" so to speak (in fact, that's what Photoshop and GIMP call it). You need to create this layer in your image editing software.

There are several tutorials/explanations of it on this site.

Reizack 04-01-2004 07:39 PM

PHEW...ok. Problem NOT solved however, I did download the patch from Adobe , fixed my alpha channels, and changed the img size a bit. (to a 128x128 img and 64x64 cursor ) which looks like:

<TextureInfo item = "ssrasword.tga">

<!-- Cursors -->

<Ui2DAnimation item = "A_DefaultCursor">

The alpha channel checks out when I load the .tga in Adobe Photoshop 7 (the cursor is white and the background is black, and the 1st layer is "background" and the layer is locked with all pixels around the cursor white when img is viewed), i dont think i screwed up the coding anywhere, the img size and dimensions seem legit. What am I still doing wrong? Ive tried loading it and nada still. :/ Thanks for all the help so far from everyone, by the way! But still no luck :(

Sokol 04-01-2004 08:02 PM

The location part should be the exact X and Y locations of where the sword image starts. IE if it's 0x 0y then you whant the sword to be in the upper left corner of the image. If you send the TGa to me I'll look it over.

[email protected]


Reizack 04-02-2004 01:04 AM

i emailed you both the tga and the xml im using for it. thanks for the help!

Reizack 04-02-2004 10:44 PM

Well, I got it working after Sokol verified that all my files were correct. All I did was copy the default directory and install the cursor , then my other mods 1 by 1, load the interface in eq, and if it bugged , i changed that mod. Turned out to be the buff box (which I rather liked, sadly) but oh well. Not sure what was causing it, EQUI_animation.xml coding problems perhaps, but it was a pain to get it to work. Im glad that it works now, thanks for all the help from everyone, regardless !!

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