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Kudane 06-04-2004 12:46 PM

Guild Summit June 2004 Request
Post below any UI issues OR suggestions you would like to see added or changed.

I stress suggestions because SoE is looking for this to be a creative session and I would like to keep EQI's envolvement positive.



I prunned down the post to just suggestions, I am sorry to those who replied to someone's suggestion or offered feedback. I am trying to keep this a list of suggestions. It wasnt personal, just keeping it clean.

and Kenwoodx2 if you go into EQCLIENT.INI you can change what UI is loaded at startup. (its there so I removed your suggestion)

Taleisin 06-04-2004 12:50 PM

buttons moveable outside of their parent windows.. give us a EQtype for each button dangit!

Bikther 06-04-2004 12:53 PM

Have a real time/ game time clock.
Add tribute value to item info window.

Add athe ability to switch old and new models off without having to log out and back into game.

Dolby 06-04-2004 01:04 PM

1. Would be a wet dream if they made a Sildwidl type program and supported it.

2. In World of Warcraft beta they allow the creation of NEW windows and any element can be put in the new windows. Not sure if its possible for them to do in the games current state but I'm sure many people would like this. Drakah has more info: http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/s...=&threadid=5132

3. A way for the end user to scale all text in their interface easily.

4. Some Authors would like an easy way to change the direction at which guages fill.

5. Add x,y info to the lag-o-meter so people can move it. In some custom interfaces it gets in the way.

6. When an interface is missing a custom graphic file being called from a customized window the error loops and it creates much lag for the user and a uierrors.txt that is 1gb and growing. There should only be one error line explaining that the custom graphics file is missing.

7. Another Drakah suggestion: http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/s...=&threadid=5514

Ruffic 06-04-2004 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Dolby
1. Would be a wet dream if they made a Sildwidl type program and supported it.

I feel that this is something that must happen. Most of the game companies now include tools to help you mod the game. I understand that EQ is not a moddable game, but the UI is. I think that it is almost irresponsible for them to make the UI moddable without the tools to help you do so. Not all of us are programmers you know ;)

ryoujikaji 06-04-2004 01:29 PM

Dunno if this counts as the ui they're talkin about, but i guess in a way it does. if they could make it possible to resize the new login screen. i run at 1280x1024 and i want the new login to fill the screen and not be a 800x600 size box in the middle. :)

also maybe animated buttons and buff icons. nicer looking icons for items in inventory, the ability to change them and such. thats all i can think of atm :p

Feebbwin 06-04-2004 01:59 PM

I would like to see a group window with the character's class (or could be an extra window like a mini-raid window).

Fragment 06-04-2004 02:43 PM

All ready here but the possabilty to make our own buttons with our own windows. for EX. for timers a start and stop button.

Frag out...

Viterian 06-04-2004 03:21 PM

LFG and AFK button
I like to see LFG or AFK indicator on your screen somewhere or even a button without having to resort to making a hotkey as these 2 commands are one of the most commonly used commands. At present there is nothing on the screen to remind you that you may have put up AFK or LFG. And how many of us have forgotten to clear AFK after running around with it up.

Inokis 06-04-2004 04:05 PM

I wish i could remember where I read it; somewhere I read an article about future developments in the works for EQ. In the article, it briefly mentioned a UI editor designed for everquest, that would allow you to edit the UI both inside and outside of the game. The utility would load the entire UI graphically when outside of the game, just as if you were seeing it inside the game. This was slated for release after the huge graphics engine updates they are currently implementing. Not necessarily after this latest expansion; eventually all the graphics engine changes will be implemented via a patch. Those who buy the expansions with the updates simply get the changes sooner.

Vemanos 06-04-2004 05:35 PM

a suggestion.
Im not sure if this is a UI but I REALLY want them to put Races of People in ur Guild it really bugs me and Anonymous not allowed cause as a BL i wanna now what race they are.. heh.

Ellyana 06-04-2004 05:51 PM

1- numeric Mana/endurance values.
2- the ability to /find group/guild/raid members
3. Buff Timers like clicking on the icon to show remaining time or something!
4- updated deafult ui
5- more hot keys ..maybe a another set that uses alt+# or ctr+#
6- more spell slots.


Shouri 06-04-2004 06:08 PM

The ability to have a chat window that does NOT have the area to type in. (IE for battle spam, or whatever)

wolftousen 06-04-2004 06:16 PM

AA abilities ui mod
Would like to see them implement key combos for aa abilities so i don't have to clutter up my hot buttons. Don't like sacrificing space that i need to put group/raid announcements in.

Azrael 06-04-2004 07:20 PM

Concentrate any new bells and whistles in their own seperate NEW window instead of craming things in existing windows. This would make it harder to break an existing UI as well as give us the options for what we do and do not want on our monitor real estate. It seems like everytime the do something, it requires that an existing window get changed, and we end up having to go in and do fix things even if we do not want the new information. It would be cool if we had the full choice of what we wanted up, as well as minimize UI breakage.

Thanks for the opportunity

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