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Toket 06-27-2004 07:06 AM

Caster Ui
Ok im not asking for anyone to go out and make this soon as they read it, just asking people if they know an ui im lookin for off the top of their head to reply please.

-I have a 61 mage and am looking for a new ui, id like something kinda themed to go along with EQ...more midevil style.

-Also id like to see hp,mana,xp,aaxp all without having to check the invetory. It doesnt have to have many places to switch gear in and out...seeing as how im a caster, my only clickies are mod rods and fjboots.

-And a timer...i saw on a clerics ui that there spells had a timer...well id love a timer for kei and my DS and ect. Think that would be pretty cool.

-Just kinda something useful without everything stuck into 1window or 80% of the screen taken up by windows and bars.

If anyone knows a ui like this could you please respond with the name? Thanks

Qinadwen 06-27-2004 02:15 PM

Well, I know that the timers can be gotten from this site - http://www.timermod.com/

As to the rest of the UI - try mixing and matching or try the UI located here : Forry 3.3

Toket 06-28-2004 10:23 AM

ok cool thanks =) once i reinstall windows (sigh) will try that new ui. As for the timers id like something that as soon as i cast a spell a timer for the spells starts...is that possible with the timers from the site you gave? couldnt find it when i looked. thanks

forry 06-28-2004 12:29 PM

I'm glad my UI got recommended to you, but to answer your question about the timers starting when you cast the spell....the answer is no. You can't make the time start when you cast a spell. The timer will always be running. There is a lot of information at the Timermod webpage.

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