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keen17 07-07-2004 12:40 PM

"Old School/Classic EQ" Guild - Mordan Rasp
Jaded Dissent is a close-knit guild of like-minded Everquest players on the Morden Rasp server. Jaded Dissent is what you might call an "old school" Everquest guild. We are limiting ourselves to old world items, zones and content up to and including the Kunark expansion.

We will progress through the old content of classic Everquest at our own pace. The leadership of Jaded Dissent understands that even EQ players have a real life...and that life should never revolve around the demands of a guild or a video game. We are here to have fun and simply re-live some of the glory days of Norrath's past.

At the moment, our levels will be capped at 51. We realize that old EQ had a level cap of 50. However, we feel that letting our members go ahead and hit 51 and bank their AAs is the fairest thing to do. When enough of us have hit level 50 and have beaten most of the "end game" content from Original EQ, we will then open our level cap up to 60 and again progress at our own pace through the next expansion.

Jaded Dissent is NOT and never will be a "power gamer" guild. If you join our ranks, you will not be required to play x amount of hours per day or per week. All that we require is that you play within our set of rules pertaining to content, zones, items and levels and that you treat your guild mates and the rest of the server community with respect. Above all, NO DRAMA will be allowed. This applies to guild chat, /ooc, /shout, etc. We want to earn and keep respect for our unique approach to how we play.

Jaded Dissent is primarily made up of mature adults, although "mature" doesn't always go hand-in-hand with age. If you are a L337 Do0dZ0r or are concerned with phat lewtz!, I can assure you this is not the guild for you. If you live for raiding all day everyday, this is also not the place for you. We WILL begin raiding on a regular basis as we progress in levels, but we are not a "raiding guild."

We realize that the idea of forsaking all the new content available out there in favor of re-living some of the golden years of EQ will not appeal to everyone. In fact, we don't want to appeal to everyone. We want a tight-knit guild of friends who has "been there and done that" and wants to go back and smell the roses that Norrath once had to offer. If this sounds like an adventure you would like to take with us, please stop by the recruiting section and tell us a little bit about yourself. =)

You can find our website at:


Qinadwen 07-07-2004 12:46 PM

Sounds like a great idea m8 - I wish you all the best of luck and would have joined, but I have other obligations to tend to. Too bad though, that the website you gave wont accept "non-registered" connections :(

thatdude222 10-21-2004 07:48 PM

can i join lol. but im ona dif server so id haev to start over or fork over 50 bucks

Oldschool101 10-21-2004 11:55 PM

Wow.. This is cool!!! I have been looking for an "Old School" guild on Veeshan.. But they are all high end power hungry.. And i dont like that.. Can i join also?

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