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Brohl 08-27-2002 06:07 PM

SK Skin
Looking for an SK skin out there. I have incorporated a few into a cobbled together version, but it isn't just right. Anyone out there who could help ...

Kaenil Darkwolf 08-31-2002 08:07 AM

I'm looking for one too :( Could you send me a PM if ya find one? I'll do the same if I find one ;)

Maroj 09-04-2002 04:30 PM

Here is one that I found in the caster area havent tried it yet but looks really nice.


Krotus 09-04-2002 06:21 PM

Thats not an SK skin!
Ive been sadly disappointed by the lack of TRUE Shadowknight oriented skins/mods.
The only really good looking parts of a UI for us are T.Kings spellbooks,gems.
Undead or Crusader spellbooks
(I prefer the big blade over the small skull)
Aside from making my own background there aint much else.
There was an SK Inventory floating around with skellies on the borders. Think it bombed on a patch

Eventually a couple good complete SK mods will emerge.
I hope.

Mushizo 09-21-2002 03:03 PM

i'd like to see something other than just a few skull's floating around on a chat screen background!

actually, i used the UIbuilder from the a post in general

and made a nice one for myself
solves my problems!

Rolleo 10-01-2002 01:02 PM

I've been trying to finish my skin, but still need a REALLY GOOD quality close up screenshot of Inny's curse.

Preferrably one that takes up the entire screen, with the hilt on the left and the blade pointing to the right. One that shows really good detail of the hilt and blade effects.

Get me that, and i'll be on my way to publishing one.

DeadJim 10-05-2002 01:31 PM

Howcome they associate SK skins with a purple theme?

Krotus 10-07-2002 09:37 AM

Hey Rolleo
Saw on SK board you were able to get several IC pics.
Hows the skin coming?
I've been working on something to tide me over, but am anxiously awaiting to see what you come up with.

Rolleo 10-07-2002 12:49 PM

My preliminary mod is almost done. I've got everything finished except for the part that uses the Epic pic. I've got it done using an image I made, but i'm hoping someone else posts a better looking version.

So, i'd say it's about 80% finished........ the first draft anyways. It shouldn't be more then a day or two longer.

Krotus 10-07-2002 02:42 PM

I looked all over for better pics and found nothing better than was posted on the Sk board.
Very nice looking weapon!

Kebsis 11-03-2002 03:26 PM

Right here fellas.


or just go to 'complete sets' tab and scroll down to 'shadowknight.zip'.

Its pretty nice.

Acidreign 01-05-2003 03:15 AM

Perhaps summin like this UI I cobbled together from this site?
I play in 1024x768, so would probably would not look so busy in a higher reso.

Eh poo give up on trying to get the pic up

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