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Achelous 12-31-2004 05:49 AM

Add Destroy button to Hotbutton window?
Is this possible? also can i add autoequip screen to hotbutton window?
It seems like i should be able too had no luck with SidelWidel but then I rarely do usually end up notpadign most of my ui stuff. basicly just want to know if i'm about to spend alot o time wasted if its not possible. If it is ill figure it out ..

Splitpaw 12-31-2004 07:13 AM

Not sure about adding it in the UI, but you can type in /autoequip so you can make a social for that and drop the social into a hotbutton.

I don't think there is an equivalent command for destroy though.

Teneniel 12-31-2004 09:59 AM

As of the moment the destroy button is hardcoded in to the inventory window and cant be placed elsewhere. Which is generally the case with all buttons. I do not know of a / command to do it offhand.

krekamaa 01-10-2005 04:22 PM

/pet hold?
think /pet hold could put added into the pet window? .. the only way i can think of doing this is to make a hotbutton.. and have it in the PetWindow but havn't tried/tested this yet.

Bikther 01-10-2005 05:29 PM

Have not looked into this in a while but as far as i know this cannot be done, short of the Hotbutton window, you cannot add buttons to a window that do not have that button originally.

Inokis 01-10-2005 07:08 PM

Unless it has eqtype, the general rule is it can't be implemented into anything but the original parent window.

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