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Kudane 01-06-2005 04:38 PM

Welcome to 2005!
Good Afternoon, and welcome to 2005.

As many have mentioned, the promise from the guild summit of new player models by the end of 2004 has obviously not been kept.

I emailed Brenlo about this in Dec, and he never returned my email. I do not know if this was due to him being out for the holidays or simply not feeling it was something he could discuss. Either way he was quiet as a church mouse.

So yesterday I email John Smedley who has never really failed to reply to me on a community concern. And today now more than 24 hours later again I have not heard anything back. Again, no idea if he is out for the holidays still or busy. I won't try and guess what could be the reason.

What I can say is that for the first time in a long time I am very disappointed in SOE. They made a big promise to the community in June when they said we would see new player models before years end, and I truely thought they would at least address that promise before the end of the year. Now not only have I not seen anything on it, I can not get anyone to comment directly to me (heck, I would be happy if someone replied to my email).

Where does that leave the community? Honestly no idea. Hopefully SOE will pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat and suprise us all with something great. I for one am hoping!.


- Kudane

greblokmm 01-06-2005 06:27 PM

SOE is a business and I really dont think EQ1 is a priority anymore. Most servers are dead from people leaving to play EQ2 or WoW. EQ1 isnt the cash cow it used to be and imo will be treated accordingly.

ArcherPhate 01-07-2005 08:55 PM

I fully agree with you Kudane. They Should at least give an update on it. We still pay for EQ1 so we deserved to be listened to.

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