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Achelous 01-09-2005 01:03 PM

Help with adding Tribute
trying to add EQType 116 and 117 to my hotbutton window and having no luck at all anyone have a window they have added tribute timer 116 and current tribute number 117 to so I can see what i'm doing wrong? its killin me I seem to lose about 500 to 2k tribute a day forgetting to turn it off lol any help would be appreciated ...Seems the damn tribute window is a bit more complicated than most of the windows I have modified so far .. and I cant get Sidlwidl to open it up at all even from default always get damn unhandled error popup with most parts of it /cry...

Inokis 01-09-2005 02:05 PM

Cut and paste the code, for those UI elements, as you have it so that someone can see exactly what is the issue :)

Achelous 01-09-2005 02:14 PM

<Label item="TBWP_TimeLabel">
<ScreenID />
<Label item="TBWP_CurrentLabel">
<ScreenID />

Inokis 01-09-2005 04:16 PM

Both locations are set to 0, 0. The first one is sized at 0x0 and the other has no size.

typical labels are:

Unless they are part of a gauge EQType. Then the text also use the x and y textoffset values, and are a larger size to accomodate the text label and the gauge

Achelous 01-10-2005 03:29 AM

ok now when i look at the code from the default tribute window it has no location or size they use the anchor offset crap which i still have yet to fully grasp lol this is from default
<Label item ="TBWP_TimeLabel">
So I'm gonna try to remove the size and llocations from mine? not sure how they got there in first place think my nemisis sidlewidle put em in there cuz I did a copy and past from default but then opened it with sidlewidle to get them positioned right

Achelous 01-10-2005 05:15 AM

GAH this one is so givin me headaches lol still not working.. got the tribute window working but the hotbutton window still a no go .. I tried removing the size and location perameters totally and using those offset anchor thingies didn't work... then again i'm not so good with them so mabey i just didn't do it right i'll experiment with that method some more... I then tried removing the ofsets and use the size and location deal that also didnt work here is the code as it is now .. I can't get it to load like this .. and have no clue why

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<XML ID="EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage">
<Schema xmlns="EverQuestData" xmlns:dt="EverQuestDataTypes" />
<Label item="TBWP_TimeLabel">
<ScreenID />
<Label item="TBWP_CurrentLabel">
<ScreenID />
<TextureInfo item="mini_inv.tga">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_MiniInvEar">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_MiniInvChest">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_MiniInvRing">
<Button item="HB_PageLeftButton">
<Text />
<Label item="HB_CurrentPageLabel">
<Button item="HB_PageRightButton">
<Text />
<Button item="HB_Button1">
<Button item="HB_Button2">
<Button item="HB_Button3">
<Button item="HB_Button4">
<Button item="HB_Button5">
<Button item="HB_Button6">
<Button item="HB_Button7">
<Button item="HB_Button8">
<Button item="HB_Button9">
<Button item="HB_Button10">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot1">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot2">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot3">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot4">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot5">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot6">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot7">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot8">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot9">
<InvSlot item="HB_InvSlot10">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot31">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot32">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot33">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot34">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot30">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot35">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot36">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot37">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot38">
<InvSlot item="InvSlot39">
<InvSlot item="IW_WeightNumber1">
<InvSlot item="IW_Weight1">
<!-- Bag 3 Slot 9 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot1">
<!-- 2 - Bracer of Earthen Energy - left wrist -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot2">
<!-- 3 - Vial of Velium Vapors - Bag 5 Slot 8 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot3">
<!-- 4 - Anizok's Minimizing Device - Bag 3 Slot 1-->
<InvSlot item="Newslot4">
<!-- 5 - Tiny Cloak of Darkest Night - Bag 3 Slot 2 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot5">
<!-- 6 - Voice of The Serpent - Ammo -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot6">
<!-- 7 - Earring of the Solstice - Bag 3 Slot 8 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot7">
<!-- 8 - Earthen Earring - Right Ear -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot8">
<!-- 9 - Food - Bag 4 Slot 9 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot9">
<!-- 10 - lr1 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot10">
- <Size><CX>27</CX><CY>27</CY></Size><Background>A_RecessedBox</Background><EQType>321</EQType><Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll><Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll><Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent></InvSlot>
<!-- 11 - lr9 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot11">
<!-- 12 - Boots of the warmaster - Feet -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot12">
<!-- 13 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot13">
<!-- 14 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot14">
<!-- 15 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot15">
<!-- 16 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot16">
<!-- 17 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot17">
<!-- 18-->
<InvSlot item="Newslot18">
<!-- EAR -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot19">
<!-- 20 - LMR1 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot20">
<!-- 21 - LL4 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot21">
<!-- 22 -LL5 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot22">
<!-- 23 - LL10 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot23">
<!-- 24 - LL9 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot24">
<!-- 25 - LL6 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot25">
<!-- 26 - LL7 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot26">
<!-- 27 - LL86 -->
<InvSlot item="Newslot27">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem1">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem2">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem3">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem4">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem5">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem6">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem7">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem8">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem9">
<SpellGem item="HB_SpellGem10">
<Screen item="HotButtonWnd">
<ScreenID />
<!--<Text>Hot Box</Text>-->
<TooltipReference>Hot Buttons</TooltipReference>
again I really appreciate any help and ty for suggestions thus far WTB some Asprine

Inokis 01-10-2005 06:36 AM

The anchor offsets are used to bind items to the border so that they reposition themselves when a window is resized, relative to where its bound to. For instance, the default pet window uses the anchor offsets top, bottom and right so that when you resize the window, the buf area resizes with it.

Another note, you cannot use TBWP outside of the tribute window. You'll have to change it to something like HB_...
You have to stick to the parent window annotations as well as refraining from duplicating anything that has been defined in a different UI element. For instance if i take Player_HP from the standard Player Window, and put it in my group window, I cannot keep the Player_HP. I have to make it match the group window annotation.

Achelous 01-11-2005 02:09 PM

Thank you your last suggestion solved the problem i changed the TBWP to HB in all 4 places and it worked :)

Inokis 01-11-2005 02:21 PM

I'm glad you got it working ;)

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