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vertebrae 08-29-2002 12:01 AM

Vert Mod 2.0 - Cannabis
1 Attachment(s)
Vert Mod Skin - Cannabis Version 2.0
Author: Vertebrae / Assassin of Tholuxe Paelles <Guardians of Valour>


- Comes with a little graphic user interface proggy to customize the newslots in hotbutton.xml
Program is zipped in the /vert directory called CCake.zip

Written By Tirrani Rains <Guardians of Valour>

- New revamp green theme called Cannabis
- Compass is skinned and has pos/neg lights for locs. GREEN = POSITIVE / RED = NEGATIVE
- Tabs for Player Info / Pet
- Tabs for Newslots page 1 and 2 (10 slots x 2 = 20 Slots)
- Buff Windows included 15 slot indicators

- ..and more.



Goah 08-29-2002 12:20 AM

very nice Vert!
-Can you get Vert 2.0 in the original Color?
-I remember you saying there might be a blue version out, any luck on that?
-If I use Vert 1.1 and have various mods from Sokol, like reverse buff icons and rearranged resists. . .am I goin to have to request new mods if I install Vert 2.0? or will it kinda xfer over?

Love the hotbutton selector btw

Sylnathorn 08-29-2002 12:24 AM

Very Nice I just started using Vert last night(was using quartz) I really like it but a Blue version would be awesome. I already tinted the windows to blue(as much as I could) but not everything tints. Anyways just a small reaquest and I am sure it beleongs in the request area but what the hey=)

vertebrae 08-29-2002 12:29 AM

Seems like blue's a popular colour.
It's in the works.

As fer compatability with the old vert ui. I'd say most likely not.

Hopefully with Sokol's help i can make a lefty buff window and other variations.

Version 2.0 is still very unfinished. Lets see where I can go from here.

Ultor01 08-29-2002 03:40 AM

I love the skin
Where can I DL this?

Iluvatar 08-29-2002 07:07 AM

Love that new one...

Would anyone do me the favor and upload the files to the new Download section? Vertebrae or Kudane or whoever has the files...
I got some spare time tonight and would like to fit in t.kings spellbooks and remelios spellgem bar v.4 to put it for download in the mix'n match section along with a HUGE praise for the 3 of you (meaning Vertebrae, t.king and remelio)

Thanks in advance...:D

vertebrae 08-29-2002 09:35 AM

Okies, I've upload the vert mod to the download sections on the main page. I guess it should be available oncce it's approved.

I've just gotta say I was very impressed at the level sophistication within the DL/UL setup.

Just thought Kudane and Dolby deserve a big gratz for all thier hard work keeping this site alive and best of yet, free..

PS. If u do DL the vert mod, please read the _README.txt file before u start posting questions.

Tidalus 08-29-2002 10:39 AM


I canīt find where to download the vert 2.0.
Its not on eqinterface which is where I get when I hit the hone button. Can you like... post a link to the file? thanks


Kudane 08-29-2002 10:52 AM

Vert 2.0 is now availble in download....

5 mins after approving, it had been downloaded 9 times..

looks VERY good..

and thanks for the compliment Vertebrae. some people seem to forget that we are doing this out of pocket so far ...


kagetan 08-29-2002 10:56 AM

Just downloaded and installed it.. all I can say is very nice, indeed.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Havalina 08-29-2002 11:21 AM


Jozzy 08-29-2002 11:27 AM

Vert 2.0 download link

/yawn Just to help you guys out a little.. it's there if you look :)

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Talyena 08-29-2002 11:33 AM

Having framerate problems with version 2.0 that I didn't have with 1.1. Going to experiment with the different items and see if I can figure out what is causing it.

Looks great btw.

Iluvatar 08-29-2002 12:14 PM

All rightie...

Vert 2.0 modified to show t.kings spellbooks and t.kings/remelios spell cast bar...
Just uploaded it to the mix'n match section...not sure though if it worked, soewhere during the upload it said something along the lines of "sorry, server is too busy, try again later".

I'll wait a while to see if it came through, before I try again...

Ravensign 08-29-2002 12:38 PM

I am confused a little.

Is this *the* 2.0 Vert, because the only version right now is sickly green and named after pot. =)

Are we to take that this is a "non-official " mod of vert? If so, I don't understand that it was posted by Vertabrae.

Thanks for any clarification.


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