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Simkkin 09-04-2002 06:37 PM

Thank you / You are invited
Just dropped in to give you all a major BIG thank you all from all of us at FD (Final Destinies) you helped to salvage what would have been our worst day into a rather successful raid. Everyone in FD is very happy that you guys helped out. We all got a share of loots or XP and several people (including some FD) got epic pieces, we couldnt have done the recovery with out your help, and we were all glad to see most every mob in the zone, drop.

Stop by anytime to finaldestinies.freewebspace.com to join other upcoming FD events. we look forward to learning more from your guidance and expertice. =)~

Simkkin Thimhallan
53 Cleric of Tunare
Prexus Server

PS: you are all invited to the wedding of Tuffuna Wynndwood (of Endless Ones)and Simkkin Thimhallan (of Final Destinies) at 8pm EST in the EC tunnel on Friday Sept 6th.
Reception to follow with gifts drinks and cake, then we will be raiding The Hole directly following the party, please feel free to attend and not obligated to bring wedding gifts. Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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