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-   -   Vert for SoF (and working Solaria) (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19413)

Kinada 11-13-2007 07:31 AM

Vert for SoF (and working Solaria)
-Updated spell gem window for the 10th spell gem
-Updated Animations file
-Removed the book_window, the default one looks really nice
-Updated potion belt window with the new slot
-Potion belt uses full size icons now, reduced size version to come in the future

The new Verts are posted in the downloads section for your enjoyment. I'm releasing them before testing them all out myself on live so that you can jump right in. It has been working great for me on beta so I'm gonna go on fail. Report any major bugs here but only if your using a clean install, almost ALL the bugs I've seen people report are from not using a clean install.

The new potion belt window is using the full size icons. I will "soon" make another one that you can use at your option that will have small icons that will fit with the width of the player window like the one from ASAD did. I need to see how small I have to get it and if still looks ok with the tiny tiny icons.

This is a work in progress. I'm sorry to all the Solaria uses that I have niglected so much work on this but when I have to pick what my time is not spent on, it end up low on my list. I have posted a beta version that I was working on at the end of beta. I have a 10th spell gem in there, and it should be working, but I have yet to add in the out of combat timer and the 3 extra short buff slots (graphic work on solaria is a little bit harder than on vert)

The current "release" is a use at your own risk type of thing and it is recomended that you start with a clean install and then try to put any custom changes you need on top of it and see how it handels it. There have been some changes to the animations and templates windows to accomodate a few things and make things work so hopfully that doesnt break anything that people have greatiously provided as updates in the meantime.

Enjoy the path to level 80, see you in Crystallos!

kolorfv 11-13-2007 10:56 AM

thanks Kinada!
great job and thank you for your efforts

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