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Qalor 07-28-2002 11:50 PM

Utilizing percentages...
Okay, here's my question. Is there a way to actually use the percentage reported by the eqtypes that report percentages?

For example, here's an idea I had: Have a way to tell the UI that group member 1 has 1000 hp total. If they are at 80% health, I want it to tell me they have 800 health left. I have some ideas on how to do all of that, except the part about using the percentage amounts.

So, any ideas? Is it even possible?


psychogears 07-29-2002 12:12 AM

One word: Nope.

Sorry. :P


PS: I should expand on that. No you can't, because the way you get the percentage info is just by specifying an option, and the SUITE automagically feeds in the value you specified... you're not referencing any value, you're just saying "Hey client, spit out my HP percentage at these coordinates", and the client spits out the HP percentage without giving you any interface to access and utilize that data other than printing it to the screen

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