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thewannabe 11-02-2008 07:00 PM

Hott into Player window
Okay i am going to post the whole window the issues i face is this when i use the HoTT in the player window i made if i am not close enough it should say u don't see any one around and just hole the normal target but what happens is it says that and then loses the target in the HoTT window on the player window and the Target window Leading me to retarget again

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="us-ascii"?>
<XML ID="EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage">
<Schema xmlns="EverQuestData" xmlns:dt="EverQuestDataTypes" />
<TextureInfo item="AttackIndicator.tga">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorTop">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorBottom">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorLeft">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorRight">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorFill">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimTop">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimBottom">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimLeft">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimRight">
<StaticAnimation item="A_AttackIndicatorAnimFill">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSInCombat">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSTimer">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSDebuff">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSStanding">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_PWCSRegen">
<Ui2DAnimation item="A_AttackIndicator">
<Gauge item="Player_CombatTimer">
<Label item="Player_CombatTimerLabel">
<Button item="PW_CombatStateAnim">
<Gauge item="Player_HP">
<Label item="Player_HPLabel">
<Label item="Player_HPPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Pet_HP">
<Gauge item="Player_Mana">
<Label item="Player_ManaLabel">
<Label item="Player_ManaPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_Fatigue">
<Label item="Player_FatigueLabel">
<Label item="Player_FatiguePercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_Exp">
<Label item="Player_ExpLabel">
<Label item="Player_ExpPercHold">
<Gauge item="Player_AA">
<Label item="Player_AALabel">
<Label item="Player_AAPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_LeaderExp">
<Label item="Player_LeaderExpLabel">
<Label item="Player_LeaderExpPercLabel">
<Gauge item="Player_TargetOfTarget_HP">
<TooltipReference />
<Label item="Player_TargetOfTarget_HPLabel">
<Text />
<Label item="Player_TargetOfTarget_HPPercLabel">
<Button item="PW_VoiceVolume">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleTank">
<Button item="GW_GroupRoleAssist">
<Button item="GW_GroupRolePuller">
<Screen item="PlayerWindow">

Corean 11-03-2008 06:52 AM

UI error
Originally Posted by thewannabe
....what happens is it says that and then loses the target in the HoTT window on the player window and the Target window Leading me to retarget again ....

If you click any of the exp gauges in player window or any of the empty areas in group window, you'll notice the same thing hapening.

thewannabe 11-06-2008 11:48 PM

Player HOTT mode
Okay i have not had any responce to this issue i face so i guess it was a waste of time to post it here but if there is any one who maybe have a sec to look at it thn

myxiplx 11-07-2008 04:57 AM

The problem is this isn't a UI problem, so you're not really going to get much help here. Nothing in the UI can change your target for you, so if you're having problems something else is causing it.

Corean 11-07-2008 12:42 PM

Perhaps I shouldn't have wasted my time testing it. I already gave a response. Try clicking on the exp guage. You'll notice the same thing happening. You can't fix the problem with UI because it has to do with how the new way code is working in regards to the Player and Group windows.

myxiplx 11-07-2008 01:55 PM

Whoops, my bad. Does it actually clear your target then when you click on wrong items? Weird.

Corean 11-07-2008 05:37 PM

Same thing happens with my UI, too. It's not exclusive to OP's Player Window. In that regard you were right Myxiplx. This is not a xml code problem. OP should actually try to see that clicking on any other guage clears the target no matter where the Target or HoTT guages are located.

myxiplx 11-07-2008 05:49 PM

Hmm... it looks to me like clicking on any gauge that doesn't have a target in the player or group windows does it. Does that sound about right? I don't have any gauges in my player window so I can't test that, but what I've found in the group window is:

- clicking any empty gauge clears my target
- clicking a role indicator space without a group clears my target

Can you let me know exactly when pieces in the player window clear the target and I'll report it to SoE.

Zhaann 11-07-2008 06:06 PM

I use a different UI then most and I click on anywindow for that matter and loose target totally

Desideratus 11-07-2008 06:16 PM

Guessing they got lazy and coded all gauge hotspots as target resets, which is good for the composite hp/end/mana gauges in group, less good when it treats raid leadership xp as if its a target selection

Corean 11-07-2008 10:10 PM

Is there a reason to have target-reset spots in the first place?

myxiplx 11-08-2008 03:36 AM

It'll be part of the new code for targetting group members even if they're offline. They've just forgotten to think about what happens when it's an empty group spot.

They messed up toggle targets too, it was clearing your target when a mob died, but they fixed that pretty quickly once it had been pointed out. I think you'll find this gets fixed in a few weeks.

Corean 11-08-2008 04:26 AM

I have Exp and AAXp gauges in my Player window. Clicking either of them clears target window. So does clicking Combat status icon. Clicking any empty space in group window also clears target.

Zhaann 11-08-2008 04:45 AM

humm yea tried default, myx's ui desi's ui and still getting same thing click on any deadspot on the UI player, group target window and bam lost target hope they fix that soon.

thewannabe 11-13-2008 07:35 PM

Ui player window mode
Thnx for the reply corean well i guess some one penpointed it that the hot spots are the cause of it but well i just moved the target to the Hott window compacted fit good and can move it but i realy thank you for your time but if some one comes up with another idea for a fix i would rahter move it to that window cause i was starting to think it was a hard coded and only would work in its own window.. and that still maybe the case.. I tryed what u said clicking the other gauges and yes it does lose the target

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