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svann 12-06-2013 08:19 PM

making the cast bar bigger
Id like to make my casting bar bigger. Not the casting gems, the bar that appears when you cast a spell/song. I tried modifying the EQUI_CastingWindow.xml by changing the x value for the size of Casting_Gauge, and then I tried the x value for the size of CastingWindow but neither change worked. Then I tried changing style_sizable to true but that didnt do it either. Id be surprised if this cant be done since it appears to have the sizeable line option in the xml file. Am I doing it wrong?

warriorofmight 12-07-2013 10:05 AM

I've lengthened mine without any issues.

Are you sure you changed size and not location? File is in a custom UI folder?

svann 12-07-2013 10:47 AM

Ok, figured it out. I had named the new folder "my ui". When I renamed it myui then it worked. Thanks for your response as it was during my reply to you that it clicked that foldername cannot have a space in it.

fryguy503 12-07-2013 11:20 AM

That is correct, no Spaces or odd characters, like "- _ . " I have heard some say they work, but its general practice to omit them.

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