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UniDyne 07-29-2002 03:20 PM

Tabbed PlayerWindow
I'm working on a tabbed PlayerWindow. The first tab shows the typical gauges, the second tab shows numerical data and a third tab will show resists, weight, etc.

Here is a preview of what I've done so far. This picture shows the window with only two of the tabs. More info will be added to both views.


Let me know what you think and if there's anything I should add to this.

Vanje 07-29-2002 03:28 PM

hrm, Nice idea :)

Increase the height and add inventory slots/commonly used equipment slots? Is that possible?

UniDyne 07-29-2002 03:29 PM

Actually, I could add a few inventory slots to another tab...

Not a bad idea at all.

Actually, I might experiment with placing objects outside of the tabbed view to see if that works. if so, I could probably place the character name above the tab box and the inventory slots below it so that they are always there.

Vanje 07-29-2002 03:39 PM

That sounds good, looking forward to seeing what you come up with :)

Ramsus 07-30-2002 10:26 AM

Oh oh oh
This is gonna be good. You gave me a great idea.
Watch for a post soon. Going to be bigger than sliced bread.

Kalthanan 07-30-2002 10:35 AM

Hey now, that was my idea, fair and square...
I even used the phrase "sliced bread" in Yahoo with you!

Relatives... ;)


Ramsus 07-30-2002 04:05 PM

Ok ok ok..
Was your idea :P

Just get it working.

Any chance I can see the code for the tabbing you have Unidyne?
Having some issues changing a currently nontabbed window to tabbed.

Taraddar 07-31-2002 01:48 PM

Haven't tried it on any other widows but I did try modifying the action window. Added 2 inventory boxes to the bottom. The right is global to all tabs and the left is specific to the tab.

If you want something to show up on all pages just put it after all the page commands and it's Peices to the screen items instead of the pages section.

You can see my action box at www.cohort.cc/~taraddar/TaraddarUI.jpg

and download the files at www.cohort.cc/~taraddar/TaraddarUI.zip

Ramsus 07-31-2002 08:59 PM

Thanks much :) I figured out what I was trying to do.
Look for something really cool here by friday :)

Drakah 08-02-2002 06:34 AM

Anxious =)
Its Friday! Where is it? j/k
Cant wait to use that mod. BTW, I posted a request to also Tab Chat Windows. Since you know how to do the tabbing, think you can do it to these as well?

My hope is to have 4 chat windows, 1 on each of the tabs. Kinda like how DAOC had theirs. Let me know.

Geddine 08-02-2002 12:34 PM

Wow cool never thought to use the tab style in another window. Would be good to see how this all turns out.

UniDyne 08-02-2002 07:17 PM

Okay - here is code for a two tab chat window. Unfortunately, the filter appears to work on the *entire* window rather than one pane at a time. I think this is a limitation of EQ - after all, one pane per window is the norm, right?

Anyway, this contains two chat panes in different tabs. There is only one edit field for chat input at the bottom. Hopefully, this will give everyone an idea on how tabbed views should work. This only took about 2 minutes to put together and test.

If VI gets on the ball and fixes the UI, we could have a lot of flexibility here!

<?xml version = "1.0"?> <XML ID = "EQInterfaceDefinitionLanguage"> <Schema xmlns = "EverQuestData" xmlns:dt = "EverQuestDataTypes"/> <Editbox item = "CW_ChatInput"> <ScreenID>CWChatInput</ScreenID> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Inner</DrawTemplate> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <LeftAnchorOffset>2</LeftAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorOffset>21</TopAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>2</RightAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>0</BottomAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorToTop>false</TopAnchorToTop> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> <BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <Style_Transparent>true</Style_Transparent> </Editbox> <STMLbox item = "CW_ChatOutput"> <ScreenID>CWChatOutput</ScreenID> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Inner</DrawTemplate> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Style_VScroll>true</Style_VScroll> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <LeftAnchorOffset>2</LeftAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorOffset>0</TopAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>2</RightAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>22</BottomAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> <BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <Style_Border>true</Style_Border> <Style_Transparent>true</Style_Transparent> </STMLbox> <Page item="Chat1"> <ScreenID>Chat1</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference>Bars Page</TooltipReference> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Def</DrawTemplate> <TabIcon>A_SocialsTabIcon</TabIcon> <TabIconActive>A_SocialsTabActiveIcon</TabIconActive> <Pieces>CW_ChatOutput</Pieces> </Page> <STMLbox item = "CW_ChatOutput2"> <ScreenID>CWChatOutput2</ScreenID> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Inner</DrawTemplate> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Style_VScroll>true</Style_VScroll> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <LeftAnchorOffset>2</LeftAnchorOffset> <TopAnchorOffset>0</TopAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorOffset>2</RightAnchorOffset> <BottomAnchorOffset>22</BottomAnchorOffset> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> <BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <Style_Border>true</Style_Border> <Style_Transparent>true</Style_Transparent> </STMLbox> <Page item="Chat2"> <ScreenID>Chat2</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <TooltipReference>Bars Page</TooltipReference> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Def</DrawTemplate> <TabIcon>A_SocialsTabIcon</TabIcon> <TabIconActive>A_SocialsTabActiveIcon</TabIconActive> <Pieces>CW_ChatOutput2</Pieces> </Page> <TabBox item = "ChatTabs"> <ScreenID>ChatTabs</ScreenID> <!--<Font>3</Font>--> <RelativePosition>true</RelativePosition> <AutoStretch>true</AutoStretch> <TopAnchorToTop>true</TopAnchorToTop> <BottomAnchorToTop>false</BottomAnchorToTop> <LeftAnchorToLeft>true</LeftAnchorToLeft> <RightAnchorToLeft>false</RightAnchorToLeft> <TabBorderTemplate>FT_DefTabBorder</TabBorderTemplate> <PageBorderTemplate>FT_DefPageBorder</PageBorderTemplate> <Pages>Chat1</Pages> <Pages>Chat2</Pages> </TabBox> <Screen item = "ChatWindow"> <RelativePosition>false</RelativePosition> <Location> <X>95</X> <Y>280</Y> </Location> <Size> <CX>421</CX> <CY>200</CY> </Size> <Style_VScroll>false</Style_VScroll> <Style_HScroll>false</Style_HScroll> <Style_Transparent>false</Style_Transparent> <DrawTemplate>WDT_Def2</DrawTemplate> <Style_Titlebar>true</Style_Titlebar> <Style_Closebox>true</Style_Closebox> <Style_Minimizebox>true</Style_Minimizebox> <Style_Border>true</Style_Border> <Style_Sizable>true</Style_Sizable> <Pieces>ChatTabs</Pieces> <Pieces>CW_ChatInput</Pieces> </Screen> </XML>

As far as the tabbed player window goes, I've been working on other stuff and haven't had the time to finish, but the above code should help others do similar stuff.

Later! ;)

[EDIT] The second panel shouldn't work at all. In fact, when the second panel is active, no text will go to the first panel at all. Apparently EQ treats the chat window as a single entity and does not recognize it as a collection of components. I would not advise messing with the chat window text boxes for now.

Ramsus 08-10-2002 05:01 PM

See our Map mod for what we did with tabbed windows ;)

And it came out thursday :P

Kiriani 08-13-2002 09:19 PM

Has anyone figured out what windows will and won't take tabs?

I tried to add tabbed windows intot he Pet Info Window last night and looked between the UIMaps mod, the default action window, and the chat example here in attempts to do it and nothing would work.

I ended up giving up and reverting the file to my previous modded state, but I would really like to do this as I had a really good plan for the window.

Dalink 08-13-2002 09:37 PM

Yes, I'd like to know findings on what windows tabs will work in.. I tried to make my timer mod in the Friends window, but no go.. :(

Let me know..

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