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Thangor 10-15-2002 07:02 AM

Thangor's New Inventory playtoy
Well... I decided that the melee need a little eye candy too. So I've gone ahead and made a warrior based inventory mod. A LOT of experimenting went into this, but I'm fairly happy with the end result so far. May still tweak this some, but it looks okay for you folks to check out for yourselves at this point.

Click here to download this mod

Enjoy... and please... LOTS of feedback on this so I can improve it more before I officially release it.

Inspiration for this mod came from seeing a techno design that xlorepdarkhelm did at some point. No code or graphics from xlorepdarkhelm's mod were used, just the inspiration. :)

aeluin 10-15-2002 07:37 AM

That is absolutely stunning!

ReallyLongTypist 10-15-2002 07:50 AM


Absolutely, incredible.

Here's what I like about it, so you know what to keep:

1. All the information is logically placed. Meaning, I don't have to go searching around my inventory screen just to find what I need in terms of HP, AC, exp, hell even my name if I'm a moron (;) )... that in and of itself makes it a useful inventory. Here's what makes it a great one:

2. The concept of the junction of visual information ques with necessary interaction: AKA - the lines coming from the body part to the inventory slot. At first it helps you get accustomed to using the inventory, and later will help you visually grasp what you need to interact with. Its the reason I like using both the numerical and graphical representation of my HP... it gives me a good idea what I'm looking at *quickly*.

3. Its relatively compact considering the artistic merit it has achieved. There's no 'fluff', everything looks like it is where it should be, and while there is 'empty space' between different 'objects', the space is transparent... meaning while maybe larger than a 'mini' inventory, it won't completely obstruct your vision, and may even be slightly less obtrusive than even the tiniest of inventories.

4. Artistically speaking, I think there can be no doubt, it is quite appealing to the eye.

I like it, and I explained why :)

Personally, assuming all the XML is working properly, I think by rights you could release this now.

Perhaps the only thing you could change from what I can see is the destroy button... I'd put it maybe in the upper right hand corner. The only reason is that the destroy button makes me nervous when its so close to other commonly pressed buttons like AA and 'Done'. But thats really minor.

Definately a 'ten naner' :nana:

Cormanth 10-15-2002 07:56 AM

Since when do warriors need eye candy?

Seriously tho... quite visually impressive.

Certainly the most creative inventory mod I've seen thus far. Altho, I wouldn't mind seeing a more compact version of this, perhaps something without the stats and ID info. But as is... well done.


Inulkee 10-15-2002 08:08 AM

This is a really nice looking inventory.

I would change only one thing, and that is switching around the bracer and gloves slots on the arm on the left.

A magnificent piece of art. Keep it up.

Kaenil Darkwolf 10-15-2002 08:09 AM

Inspiration for this mod came from seeing a techno design that xlorepdarkhelm did at some point. No code or graphics from xlorepdarkhelm's mod were used, just the inspiration. :)

Actually, I think Nibbuhlz is the one who made that inventory that xlorepdarkhelm is using. ;)

Thats a nice inventory though. Going to use it for sure. :nana:

Jahari Durden 10-15-2002 10:37 AM


If it wouldn't be too much work, maybe you could alter at least the image slightly to either suit other classes or to be more generic in nature? I'm currently using t.king's inventory but my UI's a mess of all sorts of things for as long as he isn't releasing a full UI.. This window might just be really cool on some of my characters. :)

Curumtiny 10-15-2002 11:04 AM

I think it looks awsome I like it alot I would want to use it. Only 1 problem I have is it is a Barbarian Warrior picture in the Middle. Is it possible to get probably one of the fewest played Race Class combo in all of Norath is the Gnome Warrior. I know Gnomes are warriors? Isn't that like Military Inteligence? Well I play a Female Gnome Warrior on Tarrew Marr. I would love to see if it is possible to get diffrent Races in the player window. Or if possible explain to us how we may put our own picture in their.

Thanks it looks awsome.

:nana: :nana: :nana: :D :nana: :nana: :nana:

dan_iel90 10-15-2002 11:06 AM



:nana: :nana: :nana:

KarecK 10-15-2002 11:10 AM

Love the mod, but am also curoius as to how to put my own image in the middle instead of a barbar. Grats on a Job well done.

dillomjm 10-15-2002 11:48 AM

Nice mod man, very nice. Its good to see someone doing something a little different than the tried and true rectangle windows.

EDIT: Oh and btw .. you have the glove and bracer position flipped backwards on the left side.. IE you have the bracer line running to the guy's hand and the glove running to the guy's forearm.

And to the person above who asked about changing the image from a barbarian to something else:
You'd have to open the tt_inventory.tga file and edit it to look how you want. (basically to get it to look like it does with the barb you'd need some skill in a program such as photoshop)

Thangor 10-15-2002 01:19 PM

Wow!! First I have to thank you all! I've been thinking about my inventory design for a little bit and it's good to know my efforts are paying off. :)

Okay... now for the fixes, changes, etc.

Bracer and hand switched on the right arm... yep... absolutely true... that is definately off :)... I'll get that fixed.

a good portion of the "Character Stone" is actually a "Auto Equip" area. This is to further help getting used to where I thought things should be. But that bracer / hands thing... well heheh I attribute that to being tired. :)

Graphicly speaking I'd say this is about 90% done. There is a LOT of graphical tweaking I plan on doing with this... from refining the graphics themselves to moving things a little here and there.

Action buttons... "Done" "Destroy" "Alt-ADV" and "Skills"... Yes... I know.. I didn't place them where I wanted. The fact of the matter is that it was one of the last things I put on and the current placement was dropped there for the "beta" of this thing. My current thoughts is to place the "destroy" button in the lower right, just above the weight... (I thought putting it near the copper would be nice as well as moving it away from the other buttons so it's not used "accidently".

The topic I KNEW was coming... the character image. I first chose to work with a barbarian warrior because... well... I am one. :)

My plan is to make this more universally addaptable. I thought I would first make it for my Main though... then make some other version that fits more people for release (or find some suitable design that allows for more races).

There is another slight problem... The actual holders for the items (circles surrounding the gem) contain little pictures of the character gem with the part of the body shown that the item will fall on. I was thinking it might just be better for the sake of changing the main character silloette that these be more "generic" in nature. Will add some time to the design... but I want to refine this thing until it's exactly right. :) I was thinking some kind of "symbol" system for those. and perhaps making the background inside them more transparent. This will come with time as this is a work in progress. :)

Down side to making it more "Non-race/gender" sepecific is that I think it takes away from the overall design. I personally enjoy seeing a silloette of my character in there, however I also know others would like that same joy. Lucky for us all, when I built this thing I made that pretty easily replaced... The one big problem I have is the "eye guides"... they go over the gem and point to various parts of the body. This may be the biggest problem in changing the character gem.

The upside is I can make multiple versions of this for each of the classes / races. Changing gem color for the different races or something? (gem color is VERY easily changed as well).

I'll most likely be posting a updated version of this later today. Thanks for all your feedback and DEFINATELY keep it up! The more you tell me what's not right about it... the more I learn and the better I get! A very valueble thing indeed.

ReallyLongTypist 10-15-2002 02:12 PM

I dunno... I don't play a barbarian at all... for any of my classes... but personally, I'd like a version with the setup you have... I love to have the 'line leads' directly to the actual part of the body they correspond to...

...if you do change it, if you could leave an old version available *with* the barbarian in it...

Only other thing I can think of is that since all the 'main' character information is on the left, I would place the 'weight' on the left instead of the right where it is currently... in other words, I'm more often pre-occupied with how much I'm encumbered (if at all) than with how much exact pp I have on my character...

Cragzak 10-15-2002 03:55 PM

Dis vewy nice! Yaz need da Ogur vurzin nekst!! Kuz da Ogur iz da king /rawr!!! :p

Kiradok 10-15-2002 06:29 PM

Great job on this one, I'll have to try it out later.
As far as the character silloute goes, how bout doing something similar to Abbitor's, which let's you insert a screesshot of your own character?

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