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xlorepdarkhelm 07-30-2002 07:47 PM

Oguler's 5 Window Mod

This mod changes 5 windows: Player, Pet, Group, Target & Inventory.


Player window now has the following information:

Player name
level & class
HP: Current/Max
HP Bar with % value to the right of it (pet HP can still be shown as a little green bar under the HP bar)
Mana Bar with % value to the right of it
Stamina (Fatigue) Bar with % value to the right of it - note, the percentage on this works opposite of everything else.
XP Bar with % value to the right of it
AAXP Bar with % value to the right of it
Stats: Str, Sta, Agi, Dex, Wis, Int, Cha
Resists: Magic, Cold, Magic, Poison, Disease


Inventory window is smaller, as it no longer includes anything now listed in the player window.


Pet window now has the following information:

Pet name
HP Bar with % value to the right of it

(no buttons on the pet window any more)


Target window now has the following information:

Target name
HP Bar with % value to the right of it


Group window now has the following information:

Group member 1 name
HP Bar with % value to the right of it (pet HP can still be shown as a little green bar under the HP bar)
Group member 5 name
HP Bar with % value to the right of it (pet HP can still be shown as a little green bar under the HP bar)
Invite/Follow button
Disband/Decline button


All bars/gauges work like the XP bar - in other words, there is a little line drawn at the bottom of the bar that represents the progress within a single "bubble" (like the blue line for XP).


Treelandv2.1 07-30-2002 11:28 PM

Og, I can't ever get your bear background to work bro... can you please upload it or e-mail it to me: [email protected]

xlorepdarkhelm 07-30-2002 11:32 PM

Bear background
That is part of my ogre beastlord skin, it isn't a part of this mod. the ogre beastlord skin is on eqinterface.com, they didn't include the background for some odd reason when they posted it, so I requested for them to fix that. I can't post the skin on this site, because the graphics won't compress much, and the file is too big. just watch for the skin on eqinterface, it will eventually be fixed to include the correct backgrounds.

Treelandv2.1 07-30-2002 11:37 PM

I downloaded that skin, I have multiple times and no go.

If you have the file, please e-mail it to me :P hehe, I really want it :D

xlorepdarkhelm 07-30-2002 11:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Unfortunately, the e-mail system I am using won't let me send attatchments right now. so I gotta be patient (sent too much e-mail in one go I think). But yes, I do have the corrected file. umm.... hmm.... I know, I'll try posting the 2 missing files here.

Treelandv2.1 07-31-2002 12:08 AM

Thanks. I'll pick them up when I'm on my main computer (EQ Computer).

Kudane 07-31-2002 04:21 PM

When I posted your file Og, I did not remove ANY of the componentes. I can resend you the ZIP file you sent me if you would like to verify..

As I stated in my email reply to your request to "put it back" I NEVER recieved those images..

The only thing I do when i get the files is take the TXT file and any Screenshots and put them in different locations.. I dont EDIT/REMOVE/or CHANGE anything about your files unless you send me and update (as with Quartz, but it is noted as updated)

If you want to send me the images that are missing i would be more than happy to put into the zip file that is linked on the EQinterface.com

also you may want to go over the submission guidelines to assure you are sending what we need *how* we need it.. you sent me links to the screenshots last time and i went ahead and downloaded them because it was such a nice mod.. normally it would not have gotten posted..

Kudane Cheetahfeet
EQInterface.com Admin/Web Master

xlorepdarkhelm 07-31-2002 04:23 PM

Aye, I resent the file. I read the guidelines, and I know I provided links, and later mods I didn't provide links, I had the screenshots directly in them.

It was no attack against you personally, I know I've made mistakes in the past, just wanted the file corrected, so I can get a reduction in the number of e-mails complaining about the missing graphics reduced. and with the new patch not even loading in all the graphics now, it's infuriating to me, because while I've checked and rechecked my mod, I've tried applying the mod from scratch, and I've tried applying the mod one file at a time, and ended up with the same problems, where many of the graohics widgets and the lighter backgrounds just won't load from anything other than the default graohics files. oh well.

Sylviania 08-01-2002 04:36 AM

wow , you really did a great job here . Congrats. If you could do the same player windows , once without bear background( non shm pet users ) and once without pet gauge, i think bunch of people would use it ... at least i would.

xlorepdarkhelm 08-01-2002 04:57 AM

The bear background doesn't come with the mod. that's my Ogre Beastlord skin, which is available at eqinterface.com.

And to turn off the pet bar in the player window, just right click and choose pet health off. the other pet health & name is the pet info window, alt--F1 will remove that from your screen as well.

I just have the one screenshot shown, because well, it kept the size of the zip I sent to eqinterface.com low.

Nizien 08-01-2002 01:13 PM

I like the 5 window mod, but I am having problems downloading the zip file. it wants to save it as a document. Any suggestions on an alternate DL site?


xguix 08-01-2002 01:45 PM

Great work! I absolutely love the streamlined Inventory window and your Player window puts others to shame :)

P.S. I wonder why everyone overlooks the Inspect window. I have yet to see a skin that changes it to the old-style layout.

P.P.S. You know you play way too much EQ when you start right-clicking on screenshots to see the stats on the items :)

xlorepdarkhelm 08-01-2002 02:08 PM

To download the above link, just delete the .php extension from the filename. I fixed the link, it should work now.

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