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Amaprotu 07-26-2002 10:18 PM

'Old' Gems

Old Gems Mod

This reverts the spell gems to how they were the majority of the time the new interface was on test.

Veirna 07-27-2002 07:44 AM

this distorted my spellgems =\

Amaprotu 07-27-2002 10:24 AM

That was my fault, it's fixed now. I put the EQUI.xml file into the zip instead of the EQUI_Animations.xml which is the one I actually moded. Sorry about that.

Another note: Graphics are not updated with the /loadskin command. To get the graphics to load you need to camp and log back in. You do not (I believe) need to log all the way out, just to the char screen and back.

arkaria 08-02-2002 10:10 PM

This mod crashes EQ if you try to use the new bazaar window. Any idea why?

guice 08-02-2002 10:15 PM

It's cause of the Modifications with the EQUI_Animations.xml file.

It hasn't been updated with the new Bazaar window graphic information. Ie - last patch's version of the Animation.xml file.

arkaria 08-02-2002 10:56 PM

I figured that but was just wondering if anyone had fixed the mods that where made? I have really gotten to like the old gems. I had a quick look at the Animations file but it's rather large. I'm not sure what exacly was added or changed.

Casanunda 08-03-2002 12:06 PM

i'd love to see this fixed as well. I suppose it would be as easy as taking the newest version of the animation xml and changing the same things that were changed before. If someone could do this, i'd love to get back to using the bazaar window! love the new..err..old gems! casa out:nana:

arkaria 08-03-2002 03:53 PM

I had a quick look through both the modified and the new animation file and there are more than just a few little changes.

Casanunda 08-04-2002 09:16 AM

Ah. Good things never come easy, then. Still, if someone put in the effort to do it, i'm sure we'd be infinately grateful, etc etc. Hope someone decides to!:nana:

Casanunda 08-04-2002 05:08 PM

I've fixed it!
1 Attachment(s)
I just got back from the bazaar, and i'm happy to report that i've gotten the old gems completely working again. The animations xml *was* causing the game to crash whenever someone launched the bazaar window, but it turned out all i needed to do was copy a block of about 20 lines of text that was the only thing that had been changed from the animations file before the patch. To make matters easier, verant is kind enough to make all their changes at the end of the file, so it was easy to find. this was the only thing i had to copy from the most recent animation file and paste onto the modded one:

- <Ui2DAnimation item="A_DividerVertical">
- <Frames>
- <Location>
- <Size>
- <Hotspot>

But since you all don't want to have to do this yourself, i've attached the fully functional one for your enjoyment(zipped so i could upload it). Now you can have your gems and eat them too..errr..have your cake and use the bazaar window..no...


Amaprotu 08-04-2002 07:02 PM

Sorry about the delay in getting that fixed. I was out camping all weekend, and working too hard durring the week.

Anyways, the same link up above will now point to a version of the mod that works since the last patch. I used Casanunda's animations.xml file because mine has become way too corrupted to clean out for just this mod. (I'm working on a full skin mod).

Casanunda 08-04-2002 09:02 PM

Don't worry about it, man, i know how vacations can keep us away. I'm glad my file was a help=D that's all.:nana:

Tarwen 08-14-2002 06:38 PM

08-14-02 Patch Fix
1 Attachment(s)
This mod was broken as of the 08-14-02 patch, but I took the liberty of updating it. I've tested it for a few hours now and it appears bug-free. Because I'm apparently limited to 225000 bytes of attachment size, the below zip contains only the updated EQUI_Animations.xml

Enjoy :D

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