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-   -   New Druidui post patch and other 3 wc3 campaigns as well released (http://www.eqinterface.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3894)

Spiritwalker 11-09-2002 10:18 PM

New Druidui post patch and other 3 wc3 campaigns as well released
Okay guys and gals here is the fix and update for the druidui that the patch broke. I like the new one better. It is cleaner and much tighter. Additionally I have finished the other three campaigns as well and they are all Caster and Melee compatible. All inventory is exposed, and a few things are much cleaner. I created a new caster gauge that fits these mods better. Watch for them on the complete section of this board. Yes I know they are 1280x1024. Sorry about that I am working on the 1024x768 reso versions now. Jeeze get a graphics card will ya :oP Just kidding. Its just that 1024x768 for me is like 640x480 for some cause i run high reso all the time. Anyway I viewported these so that looting is easier now, and incorporated a buncha things I learned from the first run.

I would acknowledge the following people for contributions to this UI.

Graphics from the AYA mod I borrowed just the window_pieces.tga file from it and the nice compass with +/- for locing.

Oguler for the buff window I believe.

And as always TKing for his great spell gems.

Here are some screencaps









let me know what yas think.... They should be on the complete section as soon as i can get them posted. And Kudane can get them added.


Casanunda 11-09-2002 10:40 PM

Good Lord, my friend, these are astounding. I may once and for all abandon my gimp excuse for a ui to use these. The quality of artwork here is just...beautiful. I love it.

I'm rather confused about the spell casting window, though...Does it have a "day and night" animation usually, and then this drains away as you cast? If so, that would be entirely too awesome. I guess i'll have to try it out ^.^ If you can, please explain it.

I'm really impressed, even though this is in a resolution much lower than what i'm used to. i'd still sacrifice that quality for such a good ui. The only thing that really bugs me is the "at a glance inventory" seems to leave a lot of blank space beneath it..perhaps you could move some form of the window selector down there in those empty boxes and get it out of the way, but still acessible? I think it would look much better like that. Of course, that's in blatant disregard for the actual work you have to put in to change something like that 6.^

Great job. I really hope to see more. How's about a more marbley, generic caster or priest one? a "temple" theme, so to speak? Maybe something aztek! You've obviously got a skillz overload. Thank you so much.

Luminea 11-09-2002 10:45 PM

Would LOVE to see these finished for release. Very pleasing to the eye, and very good use of space in my opinion. I personlly like the undead and orc, but I know all 4 would be put to good use :)

Salik 11-09-2002 10:45 PM

I just want to say. Very very impressive. I wish I had your skills at XML and graphics. =)

well, im gonna have to have all of them the moment they are available.

You are my new personal hero =P hehe

Great Job! I must say, that I rank these high in creativity=) Teriffic job bro =)


Spiritwalker 11-09-2002 11:02 PM

Thanks all
In the spirit of being honest though. Much of the artwork comes from the Warcraft 3 game I just took what i could use and modified it to work in EQ but it is still a daunting and time consuming task hehehe. Anyway please feel free to make suggestions I always try to listen to them. These releases are a result of what i learned from my earlier druid UI. They're very clean and much smaller but still allow for the addition of things people want like the ton of awsome artwork from TKing etc, and Atheenaths loc wizard and more. They are posted to the complete section of the EQinterface board as of 20 minutes ago but they have to be screened by the moderator before being available. I have them posted on my web site too but my bandwidth limit will choke them off fast so I reserved the links for my guildies for now.

Tema 11-10-2002 10:01 AM

:nana: :nana: :nana: :D Very nice work so much detail I would want all three I could change UIs like I change clothes a new one everytime I log on

wildtiger 11-10-2002 10:25 AM

cool uis from wc3 but one thing i noticed about the human one is you have the alternate and regualar xp backwards but great ui

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Methuselah 11-10-2002 10:58 AM

These are great, I downloaded the orc, human, and undead ones, but I could not find the night elf one.

Cijam 11-10-2002 01:31 PM


Very nice..

Only thing I do not care for is the spell gems being up top.

I was thinking maybe using another spell gem bar.. would that break anything in this BEAUTIFUL work of art??

Also, I think you have the Alt XP and XP reversed as your lvl 20 wiz and 5 Necro already seem to have Alt XP and no regular XP

I think Reg XP should be up top (correct gauge there currently so u just have to change the text -- mind you I am stupid when it comes to these things) and AA Exp down the bottom, in my opinion.

kasca 11-10-2002 02:10 PM

Nooo you droped the casting wolf....sigh.
The only thing i dont like is the size of the buffs. They seem to get in my way that size. But thats a easy fix,down load a diff one.
MAn i cant wait to get it to try..
Also a druid has no use for the hit and miss spot. I get hit iam not doing this right.
I dont know xml but can the top bar be changed some so it shows for a melee..like maybe turn it to show his/her health??
:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Dam i put up the orc for my warrior troll.. it wont load the parts with the hit and miss.Doh its the pet stuff! Melee dont have a pet! So there a giant hole in it. :mad:
If you want this for a melee youll need to make one for them. You lose the best parts. man and it looks cool to. IAm going to go mess around with it see if i can get it to work. Realy wisht he top bar would be there..

Got it fixed..old ui had messed up my pet window. found it and fixed it now it shows up. nice. WOW.:nana:

Bitton 11-10-2002 04:36 PM

Lookin good.

each get 10/10 Nana's

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Spiritwalker 11-10-2002 09:05 PM

Melee and no pet
I have a warrior and my pet window shows up anyway. Try using the alt key to open pet info. It should be there. As to the Exp Alt Exp bar Im am really sorry i never noticed it till after i posted... I tried sending an email asking them to pull them down so I could send new files but have yet to recieve a reply to 3 emails hehehe. Anyway. I know of 2 problems for sure with them, the exp alt exp reversal and there is a problem with the INI file I posted with them. In the instructions its says to creat a directory for example of wc3undead but in the INI file the UISkin=blahblah line says undead1280 which is how i had them loaded on my machine for development so I sould sort out the resolutions as im working a 1024x768 version too. Anyway, to fix this before copying the ini file and renaming to your character change the line UISkin=undead1280 or human1280 or orc1280 to wc3undead, wc3human, or wc3orcish depending on which UI you choose. The Night Elf mod is being held back by the moderator of downloads and i think i know why. I had a problem with the tracking window cause i made it druid friendly and its causing the red some of your xml files are incompatible message. This is fixed already waiting to post a new one. Please PM if you all are having problems getting them working etc. I will do my best to help out. You can email me at [email protected]. Valuable lesson in this about rushing out releases hehehe. NEVER beta test your own junk your not objective enough, and probably too tired from working on them hehehe. Sorry guys ill try to fix up things as i can. in the mean time here is some links to the fix files for the Exp AA Exp reversal.

For Human Mod:


Night Elf:






Once you DL these copy them to your wc3XXXXXX directory depeending on which UI you used and then rename it to take off the Undead or Orcish etc. It should just be EQUI_PetInfoWindow.xml. This should fix your exp bar reversal.

Sorry about this again. I hope to get the fixed files upo to replace the current versions on EQInterface downloads but I can't get them to answer my emails.

Take care.

wildtiger 11-10-2002 09:39 PM

thank you for the fix

:nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana: :nana:

Blacklord_sith 11-10-2002 11:37 PM

This may have gotten lost in the transfer; but when I download and open the orc mod, the UI_charactername_XX file is missing. Just wondering if if got misplaced, or if something changed in transit from you ta the Complete Sets mod download page.

Anyway, using the Necro and human, and they rock!

ps: still waiting for the 1024x768 version :)

LazySlacker 11-11-2002 02:22 AM

Lovely Mod

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